A clutch on the sands is always cause for celebration, right? Even if the clutch was sired by a green? At a traditionalist Weyr?Gold Asterath has laid the Beasts of the Wild clutch at Ista Weyr, that bastion of traditionalist thought and action. What wild creatures may hatch from these colorful, jewel-bright eggs? What are the implications of Impressing at this clutch, specifically? And which candidates are brave enough to step into the lair of the beast to try their luck?

01 - Taste of the Forbidden

Is it a quirk of the lights? A play of the shadows? Or perhaps, a simple trick of the mind. Whatever the cause, this particular egg calls to the viewer's taste buds. Swathes of yellow and green mix together in tantalizing shimmers, lending a translucent, jelly-like finish to the surface. Red dusts the outside, no - the inside? - of this nearly perfect sphere. Not even close inspection can banish this carefully curated illusion, but perhaps a taste....just a little one, might.

02 - Promises of the Sun

This egg is quaint and small, almost looking like a rough stone rock that would shine up beautifully if tumbled and polished from its rough, bumpy exterior. Its underside is a lovely, stark cream and its topside a light, sunkissed brown. There is a striking dark brown stripe on either side of the egg, equal distance from each other, and it sits snug and warm among the sands. It almost looks as if nothing could disturb it from its pleasant little hollow.

03 - The Toil of the Sea

The Toil of the Sea Egg is a deep, sunken blue that seems so complete and abyssal that it’s almost hard to miss the shape that is just beyond definition reaching across its surface. Is it just a shadow, or your own looming presence in the glassy shine of the egg that seems to eat up all the light in the room? Whatever the case, the longer you look and the closer you get the more it draws you in, and the more it seems to steal your breath. Look too long, and you will find yourself gasping for air that you didn’t realize was stolen.

04 - Grey as a Mouse

A barely medium-sized egg, this one has been found set to the side compared to the rest of the clutch, its dull coloring making it blend with the walls of the Hatching Cavern. Upon closer inspection, this egg is more oblong than a proper egg shape; its primary grey-brown color and two streaks of white are the only visible from far away. Brown and grey blend together to give it a uniform background. two striking lines of white mark the surface, one going from end to end, the other merely a quick line, as if someone forgot to finish it. Up close one can see there is more to this egg than before; across its whole surface are speckles of pale pink.

05 - Before the Storm

The Before the Storm egg is set slightly apart from others, nestled at the top of a soft hill of sand. It doesn't particularly stand out in size or shape, but its coloring gives pause. Its pearlescent surface is visible from afar, a delicate blend of silver and white reminiscent of the sky a few hours before a thunderstorm. Upon closer examination, intricate grey and black swirls dance across its surface. When it catches the light just right, tiny hints of blue, green, and purple iridescence are visible, the colors vivid against the dreamy landscape. At certain angles, the patterns appear to shift and move, as if the egg were cloaked in a veil of mist. It seems content where it is on its hill, keeping watch - although you can't quite decide if it's tracking its siblings - or you.

06 - Sun Met in Darkness

Sun Met in Darkness is small and sleek and resembles polished obsidian. The egg looks smooth as glass, as if one were to pick it up, it would immediately slip out of their fingers. Its surface has a metallic sheen, with small silver markings etching a feathery pattern across its surface. The base of the egg has a few hints of deep blue, which fade neatly into the rest of its inky surface. While it shines beautifully in the light, it makes its presence known in the dark as well - its energy is palpable, especially as one draws near to it. It's comfortable in its spot, and doesn't seem to care to move much.

07 - Savanna Sunset

This large, oblong egg is a swirl of colors. The base of the egg is deep brown and green, edging up into the hues of a brilliant sunset, oranges and pinks and deep purples, all those bright colors with a deep blue at the very top. Some green-brown blotches look as though they might be trees. And some black spots might look like silhouettes against the riotous colors of the egg to the whimsical.

08 - Hand in Hand

Water stands out against the parched black sands of the Istan hatching grounds...but in the form of an egg? Streaks of dark and light blue rush over the surface of the Hand in Hand Egg, as if one of the Istan waterfalls had been pulled from its home and painted onto the ovoid. Towards the bottom, the lovely colors crash against jagged gray shapes, pieces of which are covered in a grassy green finish.

09 - Insatiable Iridescence

The Insatiable Iridescence Egg appears to be a simple chestnut and tangerine colored egg at a mere side-long glance, but even a moment of prolonged attention would prove this egg to be anything but simple. The Insatiable Iridescence Egg appears to have some sort of ‘sheen’ or ‘coating’ on it that has created a mesmerizing iridescent effect overlaid on top of the brassy base color.Hot pink, neon blue, and effervescent green refractions of light appear to shift and swirl around the outside of the egg, seemingly hypnotizing even some of the most stiff-lipped onlookers in its beauty. The Insatiable Iridescence Egg’s very presence seems like it wants to capture you in its chains - and the longer you look at the egg, the closer and closer it seems to feel…

10 - Sylvan Serenity

The Sylvan Serenity Egg is much more subdued in appearance than its iridescent sibling, though it’s no less stunning to onlookers who are willing to give it the time of day. A soft peach-pink in base, The Sylvan Serenity Egg seems to almost have a soft, lightly colored kaleidoscope of light ‘specks’ of color along the shell, giving it a stunning almost ‘glassy’ appearance.Perhaps due to the overwhelming presence of their sibling, or perhaps due to their own trepidatious demeanor, The Sylvan Serenity Egg’s presence is similarly subdued. At first, you almost may not think there was anyone within, but the longer you spend staring, the more you think you hear a soft song in your head…

11 - Moonlit Revenant

The darkness that covers this egg's surface is shattered by glittering veins of opal that spider through it. Each of these marbled trenches sparkles with a pale, subtle rainbow that shines in sharp contrast to the void it runs through. It rests in the sands as a perfectly broken pearl, small in comparison to its siblings but distinct in its eagerness. From the moments of its laying, it shows a desire to hatch and present its contents to the light of the world. A longing that even the dark depths of its shell cannot hide.

12 - Primeval Crown

Middling in size, the Primeval Crown sits as the foremost of a cluster of eggs, wedged firmly upright in its heap of sand. Unlike its wiggly immediate companion, it has an immovable air to it, never shifting even a little in its place. The top of the egg is a roughly circular patch, bone-white, that drapes down into curving points and curls. This is the only discernable pattern on a shell so dark green it is almost black, dappled at random with shades of murky pine, sunlit leaves and rusty brown. It is only after lingering long nearby that its presence makes itself known, warningly watchful.

13 - Making a Point

Small though Making a Point might be, it is difficult to overshadow. Its shell is dramatically split into two spiky halves, one pitch black and the other stark white, biting into each other with long and jagged edges. Wherever these points do not quite meet are seams of rich, garish red. Despite its ominous colouring, the egg itself is quite energetic, often listing far to one side or the other, even bumping against its surrounding clutchmates.

14 - Know me by my Teeth

Pink like the inside of your mouth, the Know me by my Teeth Egg stands out even next to its thorny, murky siblings. It's not a particularly different shade than the sands, just a little warmer and more organic, and maybe a bit lazy? Or perhaps patient is a better word. Know me by my Teeth reclines on the sand in a way that shows off the transverse banded pattern on its shell, very like overlapping feathers or the skin of an earthworm. The egg does not seem to seek out anyone who comes near it, instead waiting for them to make the first move…

Astrid - Candidate

Astrid Valesco, shrouded in mystery and secrecy, thought she was prepared for the weight of being The Syndicate's heir, carrying the expectations of her father. However, nothing could have readied her for the candidacy. Unexpected friendships and connections began to bloom, reshaping her life and challenging her perspective on Pern. As her once-solid worldview fractures, Astrid must summon immense strength and courage to navigate her path forward. Yet, the potential rewards are extraordinary.

Barat - Candidate

An academic from the Harper Hall, stepping outside of Fort for the first time seems to have brought Barat a bit of luck. He was only hoping to see the sights, find some information for his food blog, maybe even talk to a dragon, but candidacy seemed like a great way to make new friends and experience Istan culture from the frontlines (so to speak) so he leapt at the chance.

Bram - Candidate

A beastcrafter originally from Tillek Hold, Bram Stennas held no notion that he would ever have the chance to stand again upon the hatching ground sands - until one fateful day at Ista Weyr when he was searched by a former bronzerider.Honest and gentle by nature, he knows Ista's fierce clime will be a challenge - he hopes to meet it with equal grit and determination. He will need to be true to himself and hold his own in this renewed chance at candidacy.

Daviel - Standidate

The oldest of six siblings and an Ista Weyr native, Daviel is known around the weyr partly for his ongoing role as a founding member of the Rainbow Brigade, but more commonly for the fact that his family is Trouble with a capital ‘T.’ His parents were well-known for being dysfunctional, and his siblings have largely been unsupervised for the past seven years, with predictable consequences for their reputation around the weyr. Rumors circulate that he may have been involved in more illegal shenanigans, but mostly it has gone unproven (mostly). Although he’s a smart guy, he crashed and burned out of a Harper apprenticeship when he was 18 and has been kicking around the weyr causing trouble ever since. Recently, he has cleaned up his act, but that wasn’t enough to stop Zinda from kicking him out of Candidacy when she found out he had been searched.

Leroia - Candidate

Leroia may just be a 'farm girl with wifi' but she wants to be much more! Which is why she was excited to join the Candidacy program despite some people's view of her 'odd colored flit'. Her hobbies include Crochet and exploring abandoned places.

Liam - Candidate

Stubborn as a mule, Liam has kept his head down at Ista for several years now as multiple clutches in a row passed him over. His obsession with hard work has caught the eye of Ista's Senior Weyrwoman, who has promised him work shadowing the wingleaders - and that he will Impress to a bronze. Delighted by this reinforcement of his feelings of entitlement, Liam hasn't even the slightest notion that maybe, just maybe, things won't work out the way he wants.

Raleigh - Candidate

Known Pern-wide as a famous actor and performer, candidacy came as a surprise to Raleigh. Accepting with little idea of what he was getting himself into and hoping that candidacy would provide him space to recuperate from the constant tumult of his lifestyle, Raleigh has instead been forced to face parts of himself that he had wanted to remain buried. He can only hope he has made some friends along the way, as he's going to need them for whatever comes next.

Rkorya - Candidate

A mercenary cast aside by the very group that had trained and shaped her, Rkorya never anticipated becoming a candidate. She came to Ista Weyr seeking not just an ally or a change in her life, but a chance at a new direction. Candidacy has proven to be both nothing new and sometimes entirely unexpected – especially the burgeoning camaraderie with the other candidates. Whether she’ll find the purpose she’s looking for ahead remains to be seen, but regardless, she intends to keep moving forward.

Virox - Standidate

A personable but slightly soulless van lifer, Virox is here under orders. You see, there's folks who need to get out of Ista but don't have an easy way -- if they can meet the right people, they can help close the gap. Vir -- the name they're taking for the interim -- isn't a candidate but you can find them doing nail trims and oil stops with the other dragon maintenance crew in the Bowl

Wynni - Candidate

A Journeyman Harper known for her love of books, reading, and restoring and maintaining Pern's history, Wynni was surprised, but thrilled with the offer to become a candidate. Accepting with the acknowledgement that it would be different from anything she's ever done, but with the notion from her Searchdragon that perhaps she could find a friend that understood her, Wynni has been exposed to a wider world and people of Pern than she's ever realized before. Not one to hold her tongue, she hopes that at the end of it all, she's made bonds with people that will be by her side for whatever chaos they all get into next.

Zari - Standidate

As a purveyor of fabulous nails and soother of sore muscles, Zari's best known as the firey owner of FACE IT in Igen. They've got a killer sense of fashion and a quick wit, but lack in companions outside work. While not a traditional candidate, they've taken time to learn and observe - knowledge never did any harm, right? While they like to laugh it off and pretend they just wanted to run a dragon spa, seeing the eggs and the surrounding excitement has struck a chord deep within them - perhaps rider was one of their dreams. Zari's still not quite sure why they were told to take a front seat at the hatching, but they'll be there or be - well, not there. They might not know what's in store, but they're definitely along for the ride.

01 - Pink Gir'kadryth
Impresses: Virox

02 - Red Oath
Impresses: -Adoptable-

03 - Oil Elideth
Impresses: A'rid

04 - Orange Cheleth
Impresses: Ziari

05 - Opal Marjorath
Impresses: Wynni

06 - Purple Athenyth
Impresses: -Adoptable-

07 - Bronze Oberanth
Impresses: B'ram

08 - Brown Lottieliecynth
Impresses: B'at

09 - Opal Valkyrith
Impresses: L'ia

10 - Purple Pereath
Impresses: Dav'el

11 - White Hyzenth
Impresses: L'am

12 - gold adrastath
Impresses: Raleigh

13 - Dazzling Harbinger Within Thorns Black
Impresses: -Adoptable-

14 - Brown Ogygioth
Impresses: Rkorya

Flight template by HybridGeist
Egg template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Dragonet template by TaimaTala


Egg Colors for: Before the Storm, Sun Met in Darkness, Insatiable Iridescence, Sylvan Serenity, and Moonlit Revenant
Dragon Colors for: Opal Valkyrith and Purple Pereath
Egg Writing for: Insatiable Iridescence, Sylvan Serenity, and Moonlit Revenant
Dragon Writing for: Opal Valkyrith, Purple Pereath and White Hyzenth


Dragon Colors for: Orange Cheleth


Event DM
Clutch Organizer
Rper of Sire Green Hecatath
Egg Colors for: Promises of the Sun, Toil of the Sea and Hand in Hand
Dragon Colors for: Red Oath, Oil Elideth and White Hyzenth
Egg Writing for: Promises of the Sun and Toil of the Sea
Dragon Writing for: Red Oath, Oil Elideth and Brown Lotteliecynth


Event DM
Rper of Dam Gold Asterath
Egg Colors for: Savannah Sunset
Dragon Colors for: Bronze Oberanth and Brown Lotteliecynth
Egg Writing for: Savannah Sunset
Dragon Writing for: Bronze Oberanth and Brown Lotteliecynth


Dragon Color for: Opal Marjorath


Dragon Color for: Purple Athenyth


Egg Writing for: Before the Storm and Sun Met in Darkness
Dragon Writing for: Opal Marjorath and Purple Athenyth


Event DM
Clutch Organizer
Egg Colors for: Taste of the Forbidden
Egg Writing for: Taste of the Forbidden and Hand in Hand
Dragon Colors for: Pink Gir’kadryth
Dragon Writer for: Pink Gir’Kadryth


Event DM
Clutch Organizer
Egg Colors for: Grey as a Mouse, Making a Point, Primeval Crown, and Know Me By My Teeth
Egg Writing for: Know Me By My Teeth and Hand in Hand
Dragon Colors for: Gold Adrastath, Brown Lotteliecynth and Brown Ogygioth
Dragon Writing for: Brown Lotteliecynth and Brown Ogygioth


Egg Colors for: Grey as a Mouse
Egg Writing for: Grey as a Mouse
Dragon Writing for: Orange Cheleth


Egg Writing for: Making a Point and Primeval Crown
Dragon Writing for: Dazzling Harbinger Within Thorns Black and Gold Adrastath

I just want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who helped out with this clutch, from the artists and writers to my fellow staff members who picked up my slack when real life got in the way. I'm so proud of the work we all did for this clutch and I love you all a million times
❤️ - Voxy

Space Flit Black Firelizardth

Non ClutchBearing
Adult Length: 22ft

Firelizardth's description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Firelizardth's physicality Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Firelizardth's mindscape Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Firelizardth's personality Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Hatchling template by Taima
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Ezra
Dragon written by Ezra
Hatchling color by Ezra
Egg Color by Ezra

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

Credits and inspo Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

The Hatch

Firelizardth's wobble Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Firelizardth's crack Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Firelizardth's hatch Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Firelizardth's search Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Firelizardth's impression Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

The Egg

Firelizardth's egg desc Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Firelizardth's touch 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Firelizardth's touch 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Firelizardth's touch 3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Angel Dreamer of Dread Oil Elideth

Non ClutchBearing
Adult Length: 52ft

Elideth is born a stunning ink black that could never seem simple, since so long as there is light, she is reflecting back rainbows of color set into the dark of her hide. And when she opens her wings she will leave people stunned and awed, as the iridescence of her inner wings is bright and vibrant. Colors shimmer and twist with each shift of the light, broken up only by irregular black stripes that provide a lovely accent and balance to the riotous color of her inner wings. She is a slender dragonet and long of body, but the power in her muscles keeps her from ever truly appearing slight. Even though she is at the upper range of her caste in length, she will always appear smaller than noble dragons of similar length - but her visage is stern and statuesque. Some certainly could try to find a foothold to underestimate her, but between the sharp intelligence of her gaze and her physique, it will be difficult.

This girl is dense, what she lacks in physical bulk she makes up for in natural athletic ability and strength. She may lack the weight of other dragons her size, but her muscles build easily, she's flexible, and her gestures steady and controlled even at rest. When she strikes it is swift, deadly and precise. She can exerty more force than she looks capable of doing, and physical feats will come easier for her, for good or ill.


Sunlight struggles through cloud and fog, and even where it succeeds it fails in Elideth's mind, turning the light low and stormy. Industry and the sound of swaying ocean hums in the background of the rust filled metal structure where a closed door faces you. Do you notice the sea slick tentacles creeping around the platform you're standing on? Perhaps not. Address her and open that weathered door - maybe she will be gentle and show you only welcoming dark recesses in which you are welcome to wait and feel the protection and safety of her certainty and ability. Maybe she'll devour you, and as that door opens, dozens of tentacles will pour forth like ravenous tongues, grasping and pulling you into the dark and the deep. Rest in her embrace and sink lower; join her dreaming.Immersed in her dark and murky embrace, either in the pressure of tentacles or not, she speaks in pops and bursts of colors. Sometimes they are bright, loud and jarring, other times they are smooth, quiet, soothing and flowing like watercolor across a fresh page. The muted ripple of water is never far off, and the deeper she pulls you, the harder it can be to distinguish between if you are in her mind or your own, nestled into a strange dream. She can be a gentle brush of fog and rust with sly tentacles moving within, or she can be a deep, sleepless dream, drowning you in deep, ancient seas.

Elideth has a personality that has all the finesse, nuance and force of a freshly sharpened knife. Too much pressure and she will cut through what opposes her, but set to her own devices she can be delicate and can peel back the layers of complicated topics and situations gently and with ease. To her, force is not the exertion of pressure, but knowing where to hit, when, and doing so without hesitation. That may mean in a fight, or that might mean in a conversation. She's a dragon who is content to be relaxed and calm, in a complete mastery of her environment and therefore feeling no need to let stress be a lingering emotion. Because of this she can be sociable, personable and gentle, so long as no one gives her a reason to give them her full attention and unleash the sharpened blade of her personality upon them.The privacy of her thoughts is rife with confidence and a bone deep certainty that comes from somewhere outside of herself. She can't explain how or why she feels the way she does, but it is as immutable as the setting of the sun. Elideth stands her ground on strong ideals that those she cares for are those she lives for, and those who she would die for. Those who she deems part of her inner circle need to be protected, the weak deserve to be left alone unless it can't be helped, the enemy of one person she loves is her enemy and the strong need to be kept from flying too close to the sun. She feels adequately equipped to be the one to remind others of their place and keep everything in check. Balance is not a gentle force - it is ruthless, it doesn't act with love or passion but the certainty of restoring order, and if the time calls for it, she will too. Until such moments, she's content to enjoy life and the company of others, even if it's easy to tell that her waters run deep and that there's a beast in those depths.Earning Elideth's loyalty will take heart and grit that not many will be able to bring to bear - but for A'rid, it will be given freely. Whenever A'rid needs her, she will be there, tactful and smooth like the oil of her hide. She's quick of wit and her words hit hard, while her strikes hit harder. A'rid can count on that weight and force to be on her side whenever she needs it without needing to ask. Elideth won't struggle in the least at knowing what is and isn't too much for A'rid, and she won't need a lot of explicit communication to provide the support and partnership A'rid needs from her. Together she and A'rid can shape the world to their whims so long as they are aligned in cause and intent.That said, Elideth is as independent as she can be, and she's going to have opinions that A'rid might not always agree with. She's got a strong sense of right and wrong and even then might knowingly choose to commit herself to something she views as wrong. She's able to compartmentalize, and so long as she's serving the greater good, she'll sin without guilt or hesitation. Sometimes this means she's going to push A'rid and she may knowingly and intentionally cross her boundaries. This of course would be something that is a last resort - but her ideals don't leave a lot of room to bend. If push comes to shove, Elideth is going to push A'rid to either stand up for what's right or be used for it, the latter with a great deal of personal but acceptable heartache.There's going to be a lot of learning to do. No matter how compatible A'rid and Elideth are on first bonding, they are going to be complimentary but not the same, and those places where they differ are things they'll have to work on. Love will bind them, but depending upon how their relationship is gardened and cared for, that love will change who they become together. They might be a powerful, immutable force of nature as they embrace how grounded and firmly rooted they are together, or they can become venomous and acidic to the touch, fickle gods who destroy just for fun and to feel something. Come what may, together A'rid and Oil Elideth will command respect and wariness in equal parts.

Hatchling template by TaimaTala
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Ezra
Dragon written by Ezra
Hatchling color by Ezra
Egg Color by Ezra

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

The Toil of the Sea Egg was based on giant squid, with a focus on a squid locked in combat with a sperm whale and strong hints at feeding the whale to the sea floor. The intent of that was both to leave it open ended for a friendlier, more stoic and open ended dragon, but also leaving myself room to write about a creepy sea monster. And when you picked my egg, I knew I was going to be able to lean into that sea monster vibe. >:3The squid in the shell grew up to be the great one herself, but if Cthulhu were a baddie. I absorbed the vibes of the provided playlist and did my best to reflect them back in a dragon who absolutely could operate in a crime syndicate. I wanted to thread the needle between your asks for a dragon who feels like a weapon and one who pushes Astrid and I thought I achieved that with a dragon who is a weapon, but one that is self aware and wields herself for herself and her bonded rather than waiting to be picked up by someone else.There are some negative parts to the bond to leave you lots of wiggle room to figure out how to adapt her personality to what you have planned for Astrid through as much or as little drama as you wanted. And of course, being Cthulhu as a baddie, she is a little spooky and not quite a force of nature, but a force of something other, something beyond thought and hidden in dreams. I wanted to keep that idea of pressure from the egg while also giving you a dragon that could spit bars and throw hands.Also you said holographic markings and by god did I want to make you eat those words (lovingly) :)

The Hatch

Almost as though a deliberate, calculated motion, The Toil of the Sea Egg rolled forward and stood upright in the black sands like a dark spire rising above storm blackened waves. Eerily, it stopped there, as if its occupant were looking around at the gathered candidates and galleries and passing silent judgment.

With that same sense of a creature acting with deliberate, plotted intent, The Toil of the Sea Egg fell forward with a heavy sound that was the backing bass to the splitting crack of its shell. Then, delicate as a sigh, it rolled so that the side that hit the ground was held up to the roof of the cavern for all to see. A crack ran from end to end, a long zipper exposed. The egg then became still, waiting and gathering strength for what came next.

The zipper that had been split into the shell of The Toil of the Sea Egg began to open gracefully and fluidly, almost like a flower in bloom yet somehow oddly even more organic and aggressive. Her dark tail emerged through the split shell, forks held aloft before hitting the sands like the grasping slap of a tentacle. One curled, dark wing pushed out of the top of the zipper, followed by the other, and then together, a striking, eye-catching flash of color bloomed over the hatching sands as her shimmering inner wings caught the light.A broad, statuesque head lifted from the bed of her shell, and blinking, Angel Dreamer of Dread Oil took her first look of the world around her. She had all the smooth lines of a hunting cat, and as her muscles contracted and coiled, lifting her to her feet from the remnants of her shell, she stood with poise and grace rarely afforded to a hatchling so soon from breaking from the shell. Gravity seemed both meaningless and intense around her as she shook off amnion and fragments of shell and turned her gaze to her clutchmates and the gathered candidates.

It wasn't anger that curled into Angel Dreamer of Dread Oil's chest, it was more akin to the sensation of exhaustion. So tired already, and she'd just been born, but she would've had an easier time of it had her clutchmates decided to not be so impulsive and ruthless. Ruthlessness she could approve of and appreciate, but there was a time and place, and there was too much. This was too much.Angel Dreamer of Dread Oil spread her wings and let out a shriek that would be GLASS's only warning that she was coming for them. Then she leapt, following after them with deft and certain steps so uncommon for a hatchling. She stood up on her hind legs and with a flash of the rainbows reflecting off of her, bore her fangs. <That's enough! > Her mindvoice roared as she closed her jaws around the back of No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown's neck just behind their headknobs, wrenching and yanking, throwing them back onto the sands. It was a gesture far gentler than what GLASS had delivered despite its force.<There'll be time for more blood soon, don't expend your thirst all in one place.>

There was one thing she was certain of, and that was that the one Angel Dreamer of Dread Oil was intended for had not been harmed, and that was good. A familial bond bound her to her clutch siblings, but if one of them had hurt her soon to be, it would not only be the gathered humans who would fear for their life. She did not yet know the face of her bonded, but she would, and soon. She felt them in this place like a low, resonating hum, and so she went off in search of its source. Neatly, she tucked her wings into her sides and the large hatchling took a look of those gathered in the galleries along the swath of pain that No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown had made and where she stood now. Head held high, she exhaled a breath with the finality of a matter resolved, and gently and gracefully made her way back to the sands.Hers was among these white robed faces somewhere, she could feel it.

Angel Dreamer of Dread Oil strode through blood and black sands with little care for either, moving with all the certainty of something akin to an immutable force of nature, but also something that was not quite natural. Something that was alien, other, yet just as undeniable. Her tail slithered along behind her, leaving a snake's trail in the sand, outlining her path as she pursued the candidates left uninjured. Hers was among them, and now that she was here, now that she had shown her strength and her unyielding love, she could take her time.But then, like the flash of roiling seas buffeting against rocks, their minds met, and she turned her head. All at once, her swirling eyes that shone with every color reflected in her hide met Astrid's.<There you are, my A'rid. Hope you don't mind that your Elideth kept you waiting, someone had to do something before things had to get ugly. If one of them had gotten to you before I did, I would've given them a show that'd keep this weyr talking longer than is useful for us, and making enemies with our people isn't exactly productive.>* Her mind opened to A'rid. The fog filled room, and the rust covered door that swung wide, welcoming her into Elideth's murky depths and her pressure, tentacles sliding out of A'rid's way. <Let's go eat before I get in a mood to act unwise.>

Toil of the Sea Egg

The Toil of the Sea Egg is a deep, sunken blue that seems so complete and abyssal that it’s almost hard to miss the shape that is just beyond definition reaching across its surface. Is it just a shadow, or your own looming presence in the glassy shine of the egg that seems to eat up all the light in the room? Whatever the case, the longer you look and the closer you get the more it draws you in, and the more it seems to steal your breath. Look too long, and you will find yourself gasping for air that you didn’t realize was stolen.

Upon touching this egg, you realize that truly, you could not have expected anything different. The Toil of the Sea Egg had worn itself on its sleeve, because almost immediately upon touching the glassy surface of that suffocating egg, that feeling doubles. It’s like no matter how deeply you plumb your lungs to suck in air, your throat simply will not open. Impossible pressure presses in all around you, inescapable, as all the world before your eyes is a dark, abyssal blue and your skin is as cold as ice. It is oppressive and violent without any exertion of force, but also peaceful and beautiful - a vast emptiness and unknown that is crushing and merciless, but the keeper of secrets, the guardian of ancient forces. One of them rises just behind your periphery, and you feel Leviathan wrap its embrace around you and fling you from its mind. You are not ready.

Back again? Stubborn. But you can tell there is something about that which Leviathan finds funny, if not a little endearing. The Toil of the Sea Egg pulls you back into its depths, and this time you feel Leviathan’s embrace immediately. On one hand, it’s better - the pressure it exerts seems to cancel out the pressure of the darkness around you, and you can catch a few rasping breaths - enough to endure this moment a little longer. But if that is a good thing is truly hard to discern, as you are flying through the abyss held wrapped in Leviathan’s embrace. You are like a torpedo shot through the gloom, and there is a terror to that, because it’s not you, it’s them. They are the missile streaking through this darkness, they are the fangs in the night, they are the danger here, in this world where even the environment is deadly. They are on the hunt, ready to do battle, and as their opponent approaches, it releases you suddenly. You should not join the hunt if you are too weak of will; so decide.

Once more your touch meets The Toil of the Sea Egg and without so much as a breath to onboard you into their murky, lightless world, Leviathan has dragged you into the hunt, and the quarry is just as horrifying as they are themselves. It has come to kill them, but it is a battle, and Leviathan will garden the seabed with the beast’s corpse or be consumed. You feel it as teeth tear into soft, barbed flesh and drag you deep, deeper, cacophonous booms of sound shaking the world around you so violently you feel as though you may come apart. You watch as the great submarine of a beast becomes all you can see, all but for great arms that throw themselves around the enemy, squeezing and scraping as a ruthless beak tears at flesh that balloons an alien white into the depths where it escapes its clutches. Ripping, tearing, pressing ever downward. An arm lost - acceptable, as Leviathan will terraform the sea with the death of its foe like a force of nature, and it shunts you away as it finishes its ugly business, hooked arms squeezing, bones cracking. You are flung out of the abyss just as the certainty of destruction blooms.

Paladin of the Balanced Scales Red Oath

Non ClutchBearing
Adult Length: 39ft

Small and compact for a red, what Oath lacks in size it makes up for in raw presence. Between the defined skull pattern on its face and the markings along its spine that seem to be an unsettling play on vertebrae, it's not a dragon that is comforting to look upon. But she is beautiful - in its own way. Her head is delicate, her hands narrow and slim, long and almost dainty on the compact dragonet who is so slender and slight it almost seems fragile. Oath looks as if the exertion of pressure might just make it snap like the brittle bones it so resembles - but that chilling draconic smile she's capable of would suggest otherwise. She looks like a dragonet who wants someone to try her, just for a laugh. Her hide is a deep, fittingly blood red, slashed through with a deep gray underbelly and underside to her wings.

Physicality to be decided by adopter

Ray of Light

Bones litter the ground you tread upon as you step into Oath's mind. The air is thick with a mist that coerces an errant mind into believing they are truly there in that alien graveyard alongside her. The bones are broken and plentiful - ribs, vertebrae, pelvic bones, long arm and leg bones, strange skulls and protrusions whose purpose has turned from explicit to quizzical and enigmatic. The grass and foliage underfoot is a patchwork of a dark, earthy, forest green and a deep, bloody red. Would you be brave enough to touch the gentle stems and find out if they are truly red, or just painted that way? Its voice echoes from inside the fog, coming from all around you and it is then that you notice that their eyes are on you always. Her gaze possesses the many empty orbital sockets littering the ground and her expressions are in the naked, grinning jaws.

Oath wears herself on her sleeve, her hide announcing her before she so much as speaks. The red's interests are dark and macabre at best, a being content to idle in interested thought about death, dying and decay in the same way that others might think of nature and their hobbies. Like an ambush predator, it is slow moving and thoughtful until something crosses its path that it may leap upon with a sudden fervor and strength. This something may be a particular situation, a conversation, or something or someone it views as prey. Since what are we all if not prey to one thing or another. Even apex predators are hunted by time and entropy, and there is unspeakable beauty in that.While death and the macabre may be its fascination - a greater purpose percolates in Oath's mind. Justice is such a funny concept - one person's right might be another person's wrong, but Oath emerges from the shell with the full belief that it has figured it out. The only true justice is the justice of nature's law, predator and prey. And where it sees injustice - well, surely no one will object to them correcting it, will they? Everything is black and white to her, and she's not afraid to take matters into her own two hands. It is a calling, singing it forth like an otherworldly compulsion, and it will shed blood and ichor to see it done.

Hatchling template by TaimaTala
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Ezra
Dragon written by Ezra
Hatchling color by Ezra
Egg Color by Ezra

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

The Promises of the Sun egg was based on a springbok, and I was going primarily for the predator/prey cycle and focusing on what that lived experience is like for one of the Savannah's most famous prey species. Promises of the Sun could have manifested a number of ways depending upon who picked it - it could have been a very warm, family oriented dragon, or a dragon with a lot of fear and paranoia regarding death. But because it went NPC I got to do whatever I want, so I leaned hard into the end of the predator/prey cycle and then raised up a dragon to whom that is the most important law of its world. Also she's just cool and I like her. :3

The Hatch

A low creel emitted from beneath the shell of Promises of the Sun Egg as the occupant within thrashed and cackled, a muffled, whistling sound not unlike a laugh. The egg fell forward and then skittered forward from the furrow in the sand it had occupied so long, but then came to a sudden rest. The muffled whistles died down as there was more mirth to come.

With a sudden, forceful shatter, a claw punched through Promises of the Sun Egg, a slender red forearm stretching out into the light, upturned with talons extended. The limb was wet and shining, but surely it was just amnion. Surely it wasn't blood, surely it was just a red dragonet. Surely. The arm withdrew slowly back into the shell, long, needle sharp talons dragging across the surface as once again a reedy, draconic cackle rose from behind the shell.

The hole that had been made in Promises of the Sun Egg's shell had been darkened ever since that blood red arm had withdrawn back into the shell, but something bone white butted up against the hole now, and then a glowing eye peered out through the crack. Delight whistled out from the opening and the eye closed as the dragonet shifted, rolling within the shell so that it could break free with a splitting scream.Sanguine red wings shattered the egg open and the bone white skull marking on Paladin of the Balanced Scales Red's face turned towards the light, teeth bared in a draconic smile as it regarded the gathered candidates. Its eyes traveled swiftly across them and its gaze swept around the black sands. Her first moments beyond the shell, and so much to do.

A giddy, malevolent delight filled her enough that the whistling pops and shrieks that bled through Paladin of the Balanced Scales Red's grinning teeth could be easily mistaken for laughter. It had to seek out its bonded, yes, but the candidates were dressed in so much white. Candidates all dressed in white, sands the color of ink, where was the color?Paladin of the Balanced Scales Red would correct this oversight as she ambled out of the debris of her shell. With each step it found its balance and became more surefooted and dangerous. By the time it reached Liam, it moved like a mountain cat, and eerily enough, stood up on her hind legs, standing up straight with a few feet of space between the two of them. Her head cocked to the side like an inquisitive, alien bird, sharing a moment of peace and curiosity with him. And then she struck, her jaws snapping down into Liam's shoulder, dragging him down into the sand where she could hold him and shake him in her jaws, claws raking over him in visceral glee.

Someone had opinions, on her actions? Obviously Clear to the Horizon Brown didn't understand, it did what it had to, what was necessary, but it would happily show her just what it was getting at. With a glance over its shoulder, it abandoned Liam, leaving him bloodied as it slunk behind the line of candidates, a beast loosed and hidden amongst their shadows and scattered reactions. It galloped on newborn legs, leapt and bowled over another candidate, Rkorya, from behind. She leapt onto her shoulders, its claws tearing into her lower jaw, shoulder and shallowly into the candidate's neck before it used her as a springboard to leap back onto the sands with a throaty, delighted hiss.It bounded across the sands to Clear to the Horizon Brown, eyes swirling with violent oranges and yellows. Clear to the Horizon Brown was such a pretty dragonet, every part put so neatly in its place, and those gorgeous wings! So beautiful and flawed in her perfection - Paladin of the Balanced Scales Red leapt upon Clear to the Horizon Brown, tumbling with her into the sands and sweeping one of its claws across her wings, raking them clean through Clear to the Horizon Brown's delicate newborn wingsails.

Claws and teeth soaked in blood and now ichor, Paladin of the Balanced Scales Red left Clear to the Horizon Brown to her pain and the candidates it had bruised and beaten to their injuries. It built character, it leveled out a part of them that flew too close to the sun, and she was sure they would all thank her for her actions when the time came. Now it was time for her and her bonded, and cheerful little beast, she trotted right to them.<My –ADOPTER–! Newly born and I've done so much work already, think of what more we will do, you and your blood Oath. You must keep me fed, shall we go? If you don't feed me I will feed myself, and they will all be so upset.>

Promises of the Sun Egg

This egg is quaint and small, almost looking like a rough stone rock that would shine up beautifully if tumbled and polished from its rough, bumpy exterior. Its underside is a lovely, stark cream and its topside a light, sunkissed brown. There is a striking dark brown stripe on either side of the egg, equal distance from each other, and it sits snug and warm among the sands. It almost looks as if nothing could disturb it from its pleasant little hollow.

You stretch out your hand and lay it gently upon the tough, textured shell of the Promises of the Sun Egg and with a gentle breath, you are accepted into darkness that swirls to purples and grays swiftly. Color begins to give way to definition slowly, and you see something surrounding you on every side. It’s gently swaying in the breeze, thin, fine, soft, with all the comforts of home. Swaying gently with a promise of a new day, with the warmth of a being exactly where you ought to be. Fledgling eyes blink into the dawn and warmth breathes against your cheeks like an embrace and you behold the tall grasses that surround you for what they are. All the world is filled with familiar sounds, chirping, the creaking of singing insects and the soft, certain footsteps of those most beloved to you. This is home; this is a future laid out before you full of promise and certainty. Some part of you knows that this is only a tiny piece of a larger whole, but as you stand on wobbly, newborn legs, certainty brims within your chest. Among the reeds and grasses; you will thrive. And here the Ray of Light leaves you, darkness releasing you back into your world.

Back again? Years have passed in the time between when you first touched Promises of the Sun Egg’s shell, days stretching on in a single one off your heartbeats. Where once legs were wobbly, now they are strong. Together you are so fast. It’s dizzying, wild, and all at once a calculated, effortless show of athleticism. Family surrounds you, moving like great streams of water across the grasslands that are still so big to you. And the joy! Your chest is bursting with sensation, and you are glowing in the sun’s warmth. Running comes as naturally to you as breathing, and as easy as a laugh, you are airborne, leaping skywards. Had you wings surely you would never come down, and for a moment it seems as though you never will. When you do return to the earth, you hit it at a run, and a carefree, confident exuberance radiates from the Ray of Light as you run alongside them. You’ll come back won’t you? There’s so much fun to be had and not a worry in the world.

Things aren’t like they were before, and you become aware of it immediately upon setting your hand upon Promises of the Sun Egg’s shell. Panic and terror wrap itself around your throat, tugging you down into the grasslands. The sun has gone down, and the grass has turned purple in the waning dusklight. Again your mind joins with Ray of Light, and again you are running, but this time it hurts. The sprint is pain burning bright in every square inch of your muscles. Your lungs strain, rasping and unsated as your chest slams against your ribs. Faster. Faster! You don’t need to see the jaws to know they’re there, and if you slow down for even a moment they will be upon you. Your life and all your confidence were thrown before your eyes before being summarily washed away in an instant. You didn’t think this could happen, didn’t know this could happen. Before you looms a fallen tree and your mind is screaming - you can’t avoid it, you can’t risk turning, and you don’t know if your body will leap with all the athleticism as before. You’re so tired, but what more can you do? You throw your body into the air and sail into the air-thrashing for every extra centimeter of distance. You make it! And relief floods you, but does little to temper your terror as you race to join your family - exhaustion seeping into your limbs as you find safety among their number. Ray of Light leaves you, stunned and confused - could life really be this way? Did the sun not always shine?

Lord of the Primeval Forest Bronze Oberanth

Non ClutchBearing
Adult Length: 39ft

This dragonet is such a deep, warm shade of bronze he’s almost mistaken for brown out of the egg until the warm metallic sheen of his hide registers with onlookers. Golden talons tip their feet and wings, glinting bright in sunlight. He has a regal bearing, even though he is small for a noble hatchling. He’s well formed for all of that, a perfect bronze in miniature from his elegant head to the tip of his tail. They resemble nothing so much as a dun runnerbeast, with their dark brown socks and leg stripes, shoulder markings, and the dorsal stripe down their entire back and neckridges to the end of their long, sinuous tail. His wingsails are the pale gold of late afternoon sunlight and his wingspars are pale tan. He’s all wing and tail, and those wings are long enough to trip him up if he’s not careful!

Oberanth has a form of dwarfism, and he will never be as large as other bronzes. Other issues from his dwarfism may crop up as he grows. He’ll also take longer to reach his full length, where most dragons are there by 18 months, Oberanth will come into his full size nearer to 2 years. Topping out at about 39 feet, they’re still quite a big dragon, though! His wings are large and long, allowing for powerful takeoffs and great speed in the air. He’s also very strong, even discounting dragon telekinesis - he will be able to lift great loads and carry them without issue.. Hunting poses no problem for them, they’ll be neat and clean when taking down prey and very efficient about the entire process.

Gentle Giant

Can you smell it? The seaspray, the loam, the decaying leaves, the freshly growing plants? Stepping into Oberanth’s mindscape brings you into a lush, green, primeval forest with towering coniferous and deciduous trees on the edge of a sunlit sea where dolphins play in the crystal blue waters. Once you get into the forest, the trees crowd the sky and the only sunlight that gets through is in narrow shafts of pale yellow here and there. You can hear small animals scurrying about, and larger ones perhaps crashing through the brush. You have nothing to fear, though - Oberanth is with you and is bigger than anything in this forest. He is the lord of the forest. He will keep you safe. The sound of a babbling brook undercuts the drone of insects. When Oberanth is happy, the brook will be the most prominent sound in his mindscape along with the sound of birds chirping and singing, with clear paths to tread and broad rocks near the brook’s banks to sit upon and ponder. When he’s upset, the forest will be dark and silent, with dead trees creaking and the scent of decay and death in your nostrils. Fallen trees block the paths, and the brook is a raging, storm-driven thing.

Were you looking for a supportive, genuine, and funny best friend, B’ram? Because Oberanth heard you were and they’re here to fill that niche in your life. He will be your biggest cheerleader if you let him.They’re usually upbeat, full of excitement about whatever there is to do that day - and they find the fun and enjoyment in everything you have to do, be it boring weyrling choring, betweening practice, or inoculating herdbeasts. They are wise beyond their years, often dispensing excellent advice or guidance when you have a problem or concern. When someone wrongs you, they are your staunch defender, assuring you that everything will be fine, because they will make it so.They know your deepest secrets and desires. He is fascinated by sea creatures, especially dolphins, and will support your wanting to spend time with them. They also understand that sometimes even things you want to do can be painful or difficult, and will do their best to support you through those times and be your steadfast rock in the stormy harbor of your mind. You can cling to him as the storm rages. He will be your support in many ways and this will only grow as the bond between you two deepens.He’s a real go-getter, early riser, ready to take on the world. Better start drinking klah if you don’t right now, you’re gonna need it to keep up with the force of nature that is Oberanth! He’ll think nothing of a 5k jog right after you wake up and happily prod you along if you’re sleepy. He adores puns and is a sharp, honest observer, often delivering his observations with a sly tone and the draconic equivalent of a chuckle. They don’t gossip for gossip’s sake, but they are sure willing to listen to your observations about people and offer theirs in return. This may make you smile in inappropriate situations, so you’ll need to work on keeping your amusement in check at times!They are ultimately a deliberate and gentle soul. Their every action is carefully chosen and executed and nothing is undertaken without thought, so if they do engage in violence on their own behalf (or yours!) you can be sure it’s been thoroughly considered, weighed, with every angle and eventuality accounted for.

Hatchling template by TaimaTala
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Heather
Dragon written by Heather
Hatchling color by Heather
Egg Color by Heather

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

I was inspired by old growth forests and the mystical forests of Studio Ghibli movies, namely Mononoke Hime and (at the suggestion of the candidate) Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.

The Hatch

Savanna Sunset Egg circles about on its base, a deliberate looking sort of action, very smooth, no hesitation. The egg comes juuuuuuust this close to smacking into its closest sibling.

Once again, Savanna Sunset Egg makes a wide circle on its base, but this time, a hairline crack appears starting around the middle of the egg and goes around horizontally, bisecting the egg in two.

Savanna Sunset Egg cracks fully and a hatchling appears. Well, his feet do. And his wingtips. And his tail. The rest of him is hidden beneath the top of the eggshell, which after a moment, he reaches up to grab and throw aside, revealing Lord of the Primeval Forest Bronze Hatchling in all their glory, shining on the dark sands as the top of their eggshell spins, castoff, nearby.

Lord of the Primeval Forest Bronze Hatchling stands and shakes out his overlarge wings before looking over the assembled candidates carefully. Yes, someone for him is here. But where? He keeps his wings aloft so they can dry a bit from the moisture of being trapped in the shell, but they're caught by a stray breeze sweeping into the cavern and he's tumbled tail over head into the scorching sands. Ow! That hurt! But not to be deterred, he gets up, shakes himself off, and gets back to his search.So many of his sibs are choosing violence! Lord of the Primeval Forest Bronze Hatchling finds himself sidestepping the chaos in his search for his One. Violence is not on the docket for him today, no. Today is for finding his partner, his Person. Perhaps one day he will choose violence, but today is not that day.

There is someone here for him, he knows it. They snuffle at the sands, hoping to pick up a trace of the smell of That Person, and then there, yes, that scent there. It’s heavenly! But Lord of the Primeval Forest Bronze Hatchling isn’t in any hurry, no. He’s very deliberate and steady about the whole thing, placing one foot in front of the other, carefully, carefully, but then! In front of them! Is their person! And he gets a little too excited and trips right over his own wing, scratching it up with a sharp talon, drawing ichor, and bowls right into Bram, knocking him over hard and landing in a heap of wings and tail on his chest. Oof. They’re probably pretty heavy.From where you lie, catching your breath on the scorching hatching sands, Lord of the Primeval Forest Bronze Hatchling rises up from your chest, seeking out your gaze with his own rainbow-hued one. You feel the heat of the sands melt away as they ‘speak’ just to you, for now you are not alone and never shall be again! < Oh! I am so sorry for knocking you over, Bram. No. B’ram. Yes, that sounds much better. Much more like a dragonrider. My rider. Because you are mine, B’ram, just as I am yours. Your Oberanth. I know you have been waiting long for this moment, and all because I wasn’t here for you. But I am here now, and we are going to do so many wonderful things together. The adventures we will have! I am eager to begin, but first, mine, I am hungry.>

Savanna Sunset Egg

This large, oblong egg is a swirl of colors. The base of the egg is deep brown and green, edging up into the hues of a brilliant sunset, oranges and pinks and deep purples, all those bright colors with a deep blue at the very top. Some green-brown blotches look as though they might be trees. And some black spots might look like silhouettes against the riotous colors of the egg to the whimsical.

Do you feel it? The blistering heat of full sun on the savanna? Perhaps it’s indistinguishable from the heat of the hatching sands. You stand at the watering hole, animals surrounding it and you. The buzzing of flies drones on over the sound of the animals drinking and dunking themselves in the water, rolling in the mud to escape the heat of the day. Near the watering hole, a tree stands tall. Desperate for some shade, you approach. Gentle Giant stands before you clad in tawny shades, and you crane your neck up, up, up to see it in full. It blinks down at you calmly, pawing at the earth near you with a cloven hoof.What do you expect to find here? It asks you. Consider carefully your answer, for it is important. Keep it top of mind.Before you can answer, the sounds and sights of the savanna fade, leaving you standing on the hatching sands, the question echoing through your mind.

You’re back on the savanna. But this time, it's the darkest night. There are no moons to be seen, only millions of glittering stars above you, the patterns unfamiliar to your Pernese eyes. A cooling breeze rustles the grass and leaves of the trees, making the watering hole ripple. The nocturnal animals scurry and skitter about, but Gentle Giant is not one of them. It instead is under the same tree you met it beneath the first time, curled up on the ground.At first, you think it’s asleep, but then it speaks, inclining its head to point across the savanna.. The way is wild here, and fraught with dangers. Are you brave enough to face them? Is it speaking of the savanna, or Ista herself? "

The savanna at sunset. The colors blaze brightly, painting the sky in pinks and purples and oranges, lighting up the few clouds in the sky. You walk toward the watering hole, Gentle Giant ambling along beside you. It has nothing to say this time, you simply enjoy the beauty of the sunset in its company. Does this leave you feeling settled? Excited? Joyful? Only you know how you feel.The vision fades slowly, depositing you back on the hatching sands, the colors still dancing in your mind’s eye."

Dazzling Harbinger Within Thorns Black

<To be named by adopter>
<Pronouns decided by adopter>
<Clutching Ability to be decided by adopter>
Adult Length: 22ft

Short and slim, Dazzling Harbinger Within Thorns Black is compactly built. Tapered wings, a deep chest and powerful haunches makes them surprisingly powerful in flight, as well as quick and deft on the wing. They have a noticeable overbite.Dazzling Harbinger Within Thorns Black is a dusty charcoal shade overall, darkening on their head, back and tail, and gradually lightning on their sides and belly. A thick stripe, white as bone, frames their eyes and slashes down their muzzle. Their wings are neatly marked by a thick band of stark white running along the sails, outlined by a much thinner line of pitch black. Their bottom jaw and chin is daubed in deep, rich red, flowing down their neck to end in a teardrop point on their chest.

Physicality to be decided by adopter

Piercing Cry

A vast and gnarled thicket of briars and brambles, both stark and vibrant - some colours are much richer than in reality, others reduced to stark monochrome. Through this tangle Dazzling Harbinger Within Thorns Black moves with ease, sometimes gliding above, sometimes perched directly on a spiked branch. Upon these points are fanciful ideas and concepts, staked out to admire and study - or goals, passing thoughts, people who have caught their interest. After meeting other dragonkin, often traits of their minds and speech swirl into Dazzling Harbinger Within Thorns Black’s own mind, incorporated briefly as changing weather, or grafted onto the landscape.

There’s no denying that Dazzling Harbinger Within Thorns Black is clever, quick to understand new ideas and eager to connect them together. They enjoy learning, not just for the sake of it but what it might help them do in the future. They have an inquisitive mind and a calculating bent, always reacting and refining to try again. When focused on a goal, their intensity and their rate of progress is downright impressive. Despite this, they’re often frustrated - the motives and perspectives of others are complete ciphers to them, and they have to work hard to build an understanding of what other people are feeling and how that might make them act. To cover up this gap, they observe closely and try to pick out those they can trust - those with influence, or just people they like - and mimic their reactions and behaviour. Sometimes this works perfectly, but sometimes their judgment goes awry.They enjoy a challenge, though a challenge of wits or knowledge brings out a ruthlessly competitive streak. They also enjoy surprising people, as well as warranting their recognition and praise. This can lead to callous behaviour and showing off, but also to taking on difficult projects and ambitious tasks. They deeply desire work with a definite impact and a tangible result. Their sense of humour and interests lean towards the darker and less socially acceptable side of things - they’re neither purposely violent nor cruel, but they are a little bit of an edgelord.

Hatchling template by TaimaTala
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Storm
Dragon written by Storm
Hatchling color by Jo
Egg Color by Shipfish

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

Shrikes are called “butcher birds” - in fact, their scientific name comes from Latin for “butcher” - for their behaviour of impaling prey upon thorns, both as food caches and to display their presence in their territory. They’re also known to mimic the cries of birds they prey upon to lure them closer. Dazzling Harbinger Within Thorns Black explores these aspects, pairing them with the idea of pinning something up to admire, or show off a creative work. Their mimicry is less for hunting and more to fulfill their urge to learn and understand.

The Hatch

The Making a Point Egg had always been energetic, but now it wobbles back and forth, the hatchling within clearly not intending to waste any time.

Making a Point Egg’s wobbling escalates to even more frenetic wiggling and shaking. A thin web of cracks forms at various spots, but none seem ready to give way entirely.

Announced with a series of sharp, brittle sounds, the Making a Point Egg breaks around the Dazzling Harbinger Within Thorns Black’s dark head and shoulders, and they climb out, kicking the egg’s remnants away. They take a moment to tidy themself, flicking away eggshell fragments and pausing to examine the black sands they’ve landed on. The candidates seem a distant afterthought.

Eventually, it occurs to the Dazzling Harbinger Within Thorns Black Hatchling that they should be looking for something. Tail whipping back and forth, they gaze critically at the assembled candidates and the watching crowds. Yes, there is… a feeling, but vague, fuzzy. They dig their claws into the sand and lean forward, but focusing alone doesn’t provide clarity. There’s nothing for it then, but to investigate.Seeing no point in lingering any longer, Dazzling Harbinger Within Thorns Black Hatchling bounds towards the candidates, then past them into the stands - and distressingly, shows no signs of slowing down. Rather, they gather themself on their stocky hind legs and launch straight at Virox, knocking them off their seat in the stands and pinning them there for what is unmistakably an inspection. Aside from the bruising impact, they shift around, leaving a trail of nicks and cuts from sharp baby claws, occasionally digging in deeper to assure their steady footing. They lower their head to solemnly study Virox’s face… and with great seriousness, set their teeth to the tip of Virox’s nose.Hm. No, that’s not it at all. With a disgruntled sound, they hop off and continue their search with little fanfare.

Dazzling Harbinger Within Thorns Black Hatchling retreats from all this mess and noise with a disdainful lash of their tail. Disregarding the blood on their claws, they peruse the remaining candidates with a critical gaze. A few are even nudged out of the way as they pace back and forth to make sure they’ve truly gotten a good look at everyone. Some feet are trodden on, some legs bruised.They turn and make another circuit, ignoring the ripple of people moving out of their way and casting around with an increasingly harried air. …Yes, that’s it, isn’t it? <Why were you all the way over here?> they demand, bracing themself on their lifemate’s knees to better look into their eyes. The tumult of the hatching sands falls away, replaced by indistinct sounds and bursts of sharp vibrance. <This could have gone so much faster! Now I’m hungry. Let’s not waste any more time.> And with that, they lead the way to the weyrling feeding stations.

Making a Point

Small though Making a Point might be, it is difficult to overshadow. Its shell is dramatically split into two spiky halves, one pitch black and the other stark white, biting into each other with long and jagged edges. Wherever these points do not quite meet are seams of rich, garish red. Despite its ominous colouring, the egg itself is quite energetic, often listing far to one side or the other, even bumping against its surrounding clutchmates.

Finally! Piercing Cry seizes at your mind immediately in an excited rush, jabbing and poking at whatever surface thoughts or feelings it happens upon. It is not being deliberately intrusive, just enthusiastic, and whatever it pries at is studied and assessed carefully, as if to make up for its energy. Then, a little clumsy and off-kilter, those same flickers of thought are bounced back towards you, each purposeful reflection followed by great focus and anticipation to gauge your reaction. Is it doing this right?

The egg is more prepared for your touch this time around, ready to show off. It immediately presents a great flurry of what it’s gathered - from your mind and others it’s plucked from during its time on the sands - as a pulsing, thrumming whirlwind. Sensations and brief, flitting memories melt together into snatches of… something new, maybe? Piercing Cry brims in pride at its own display, the dizzying breadth and speed of it, but beneath the pride is a harsher note of dissatisfaction. It wants more than these purloined scraps. You’ll show it something better, won’t you? Something important, something that matters.

Piercing Cry is glad to have you back again, and it’s no longer so desperately eager to prove itself. Even without its frenetic earlier energy, it is constantly in motion, darting this way and that, its attention honing in to a sharply calculated point and then suddenly breaking off and wheeling away to see if you’ll follow. It wants to be noticed, to be seen - but even more than that, it thrums with the frustration of needing to make something worth seeing. When it does, you’ll be there, won’t you? You’ll be watching? Piercing Cry hopes so.

No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown Ogygioth

Non Clutchbearing
Adult Length: 50' 3"

Ogygioth is a light, pale brown, sandy and a little dull. The top side of his body is darker and just a little ruddier, especially on the leading edge of his wings. It's a very classic look for a dragon and he looks handsome in it, especially when one looks closer and sees the freckles that dot his hide, particularly on the wide stretch of his inner wingsails. Ogygioth's darker saddle is interrupted with dramatic pale markings, the color of white clay, extending from the base of his neck down his spine and across the span of his wings. They are jagged and torn, large masses fissured into pieces and connected by thorny tears.He is also marred. Ogygioth has an off-color mark, not unlike his green sire, though his is on his left shoulder. The mark is patchy and out of place – it gleams with a kingly shine, as specular as a bronze's hide – but that does not make it any less of a shame on his otherwise classically brown hide. The birthmark is duochrome, gold at some angles and crimson at others.Those same shoulders, as mismatched as they are, contain a great deal of power. Ogygioth will be large for a brown but not excessively thick – instead compact, dense, hard-muscled. His belly is concave and trim, his back a long beautiful curve to his tail, legs tall and well-formed. Ogygioth's features are equally handsome; long-snouted with heavy eyeridges and crowned with excellent head knobs.

A very quick study on the ground, Ogygioth may find – unless he has good motivation – that showing well in the air is simply too much effort. He is an economical flier, jerky and too fast at times, though he is more agile than usual for his size class. Instead he prefers the ground… to stretch himself in a long and languid line, to lope for miles across unfriendly terrain.

Brand New Niche

Except when he is truly, peacefully at rest, Ogygioth sounds like he's out of breath. Everything is said too fast like it has to be done before a final breath, or with a reedy timbre to his voice, a rasp or sticky sound through a throat used very recently to scream or cry. Though the voice is neither human nor animal, there is a very real sound to Ogygioth's mindscape in that way, not a rarefied feeling or impression left by his mind but a visceral closeness: at most, the things that suggest themselves are a sense of heat off your shoulder like someone leaning close to your ear, the small whistle of breath through the nose, a whiff of skin-scent. When he is feeling very languid or well-pleased, Ogygioth's mindscape is like a mumble into your palm, hot and sticky and muffled but a little echoing.

Self-centered, cruel, and impulsive, Ogygioth is not a dragon who usually goes out of his way to endear himself to others. As unpleasant as he is, you want him on your side, however: he is intelligent (to a degree) and cunning (in enough ways) and above all indomitable in his progress towards his goals. Thankfully he is simple and doesn't usually want much… life, laughter, blood. Ogygioth does not mind being leveraged as long as he gets his pound of flesh at the end. He is fond of simple pleasures: extremes of taste, scent, touch, sound. Ogygioth does not like music, he likes concerts: not sports but sport. He likes cuddling. He is not picky about baths.But to expand on Ogygioth's uncompromising, relentless, ruthless nature – he is a king at heart. Whatever system he is in, he lusts to surmount it, to conquer it, not ambitious as much as acquisitive. But then – what is duty to a king? Ogygioth is a dragon all his own, his natural desire is to be beholden to no one. This is obviously a bit of a problem when he also wants all the glories that sociality – of whatever sort – can bear, but he persists. Yet his promises break easier than he makes them and his tendency to consider others remains nil because they simply do not matter. He wants sycophants and worshippers and at most a doting patron whom he will one day consume.If Rkorya is duty, devotion, drive, and blood, Ogygioth is all of the last two and none of the first. He substitutes desire instead, a hedonistic kind, intense and fiery and intoxicating but painfully aimless and unbridled. He is a muse, he is an artist, he is a most heart-achingly beautiful weapon, but he is not one with a swaddled hilt. To wield him is to tithe with blood and tears, at least at first, because he has no trouble biting the hand that feeds. Ogygioth's ambition needs training; his aims refined; his edges ground and re-sharpened. On the other side, Ogygioth is much more casually social than Rkorya. He has no trouble forcing himself into new conversations and situations, at which time he reminds others of their places in his world: not always undesirable ones. He enjoys mock-fights and mock-Fall very, very much.

Hatchling template by TaimaTala
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Shipfish
Dragon written by Shipfish
Hatchling color by Shipfish
Egg Color by Shipfish

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

Know me by my Teeth egg: This egg's theme animal is Anomalocaris canadensis, or the Anomalocarids in general. They are radiodonts, a lineage of beasts we don't have anymore, somewhat related to arthropods like bugs and shrimp but only about the same way as mammals are related to frogs. They come from the Cambrian, a time almost before the invention of hard parts, and their only mineralized segment is a tooth cone – and strange, almost alien raptorial arm things jutting from their face. At first, scientists had no idea these two parts were related: time has not been kind to the past, and only few and dissociated remains of these animals were known. But then exquisite fossil sites with the softest, most delicate rocks were found, such as the Burgess shale – and all of the sudden these fearsome arms and irising mouths became part of a beautiful creature: with proud, tall eyes, powerful and numerous tapered wing lobes, and a splayed tail, Anomalocaris was big and swift and deadly. It was one of the first things to be unquestionably, instantly deadly. For a long time life had been attached to the sea floor, which itself was an unvariegated muck. Then little things began to dart and wriggle through the lifegiving water and in the blink of evolution's eye, the Brand New Niche was born.Ogygioth: I was searching around for some good species names associated with Anomalocaris but unfortunately a lot of them are about shrimp. I finally came across Ogygopsis klotzi, a trilobite associated with Anomalocaris fossils – not only does the name feel somewhat Ogygioth-y, being a little bit thunderous and threatening but also a bit goofy, but it struck me as funny that Ogygopsis is by far the most numerous creature preserved in the "trilobite beds." Truly, if Ogygioth had his way, would the world be anything but himself…? The name is derived from the common origin with the generic name, Ogygia, one of the daughters of Amphion and Niobe of Greek myth, and also the name of Circe's island in the Odyssey. It also sounds very "giga," which I thought Ogygioth would like.No Gods but We, No Master but Me: Storm, I very narrowly titled this dragonet "Undaunted Predator" based on a line from one of your touching responses, but I held off. It didn't feel quite right: it fit the ruthlessness and ferociousness Ogygioth embodies, but not his philosophy. Likewise, options based around "King of the Jungle" were tossed out – they're a little hokey, plus I still felt like it wasn't getting the whole of Ogygioth's vibe. The runner up was "Look on my Works ye Mighty, and Despair" (or even, to reference Ghaul, "Do you see all that I have done?") – but come on, does Ogygioth read poetry?No, but he'd write it. Especially if it's the kind that shows the teeth: no gods but we, no master but me, there's a grin in there. It felt perfect that Ogygioth would take an anarchist saying – "no gods, no masters," we own ourselves, we control our destinies – and turn it into something that serves him. He didn't get it! He felt it, though, and of course put himself right at the top. It fully encapsulates his ambitions (all the way to god-king if he can find a way to it) and his philosophy (he'll settle for local only if he's the despot). And the rest is all in the teeth.

The Hatch

The Know Me by My Teeth egg is quiescent next to its siblings, much like its uninvested presence during the Touchings. Slowly, though, the flesh-pink shell begins to quiver and lurch from side to side, the hatchling within beginning the first battle of its life.

It's a long protracted thing – quiver, lurch, pause, quiver – but finally a crevice opens on the surface of the Know Me by My Teeth egg. The egg shakes vigorously, and the crack widens just enough to see the curve of a neck, perhaps. A snout jabs forcefully at it and the beast within quiets, drawing in huge lungfuls of fresh air, then sticks out a wet green tongue to taste.

Already done with the hardest part, the Know Me by My Teeth egg hatches unceremoniously. One second the egg is in two halves, the next it is in flat bits mixing now into the dark sand as a floppy pale shape finds their feet in the wreckage. One forelimb – then the other – then a Brown steps up onto the ledge of sand behind his egg hollow.The No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown surveys the sands with something bordering disgust. He is a pale brown, freckle-spotted like he has already seen the sun. His back is dark and rippled with pale marks. On his left shoulder is an unfortunate blemish, not unlike his sire's marks – kingly in its shine, perhaps, but wrong for a brown. The No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown growls like a chainsaw and, with deliriously pink-red eyes, lunges for the nearest candidate.

The No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown lunges for a white-robe and gets him on the arm, a bloom of red painting his muzzle and the candidates around. The candidate screams; No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown cackles with a hideously voice-like mindvoice. He pulls the candidate to his knees and the young man folds over to protect himself; no matter, there are more, so many more.The No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown leaps over the damaged candidate, flashing his wings in the face of the next one there. Wynni. He aims for her center of mass, sharp and vicious teeth sinking into the meat of her leg; the No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown savages her, pulling her down and back across the sands with jerks and tugs while other candidates scatter.He lifts his head; Of Wild and Ancient Dominion Gold has caught his attention. A single powerful twist of his body and he swings Wynni's body around and against the other dragonet, and he laughs. < I caught you one, > he says sweetly, and drops Wynni in a heap.

The bigger dragonet lunges at him – the No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown leaps out of the way but squeals as Of Wild and Ancient Dominion Gold's claws rake and crush his tail for a moment. He tugs free, and with that, the brown stalks away from his first victims, immediately spotting another commotion to investigate. The Matriarch of Daylight Opal finds the No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown at their side, the brown seeking to add ichorous green to his lifeblood decorations with a snap at the Matriarch of Daylight Opal's wing. < Yes, > he says, lazy: < You have the right idea, my sister, to stalk these whimpering white things – let me join you! >The No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown leaps up past the Matriarch of Daylight Opal, flapping again and buffeting a half-dozen nearby candidates. He jumps again, faster than he looks, and lands squarely on Raleigh, dark claws digging into his robe and causing blooms of lovely red on his chest and thighs.

The No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown gives a genuine giggle as the Matriarch of Daylight Opal calls him such names. < Scourge, > he repeats aloud, licking his bloody and ichorous lips.He is immediately distracted by a screech. The No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown turns, catching a black charger out of the corner of his eye before a ribbon of pain erupts around his neck. < Ahh! > he wails, half a laugh, as the larger dragonet bowls him over. The sand is gritty in his mouth, and then the Angel Dreamer of Dread Oil is retreating out of range for retaliation. The No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown licks his chops again, cleaning them thoroughly of both vital fluids, and feels something new and worthwhile ignite in his guts. The feeling crescendoed into a need, an itch; a bright thing was near, the solution to his problem…The No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown trots through the cowed candidates with his wings mantled. He barely growls at a girl who gasps at his bloody claws – there, behind that wretch. < You! > the brown says, his speech peculiarly resonant for one human only.Rkorya will feel a warm breath on her neck, eager, conspiratorial. The brown slinks up to her and rubs his sticky head against her middle, saying, < You. I like you, ohh, yes. It will be you, Rkorya. I am here to claim you. I am Ogygioth, and I am… I am still hungry. I want to hunt again. >

Know me by my Teeth

Pink like the inside of your mouth, the Know me by my Teeth Egg stands out even next to its thorny, murky siblings. It's not a particularly different shade than the sands, just a little warmer and more organic, and maybe a bit lazy? Or perhaps patient is a better word. Know me by my Teeth reclines on the sand in a way that shows off the transverse banded pattern on its shell, very like overlapping feathers or the skin of an earthworm. The egg does not seem to seek out anyone who comes near it, instead waiting for them to make the first move…

So you've come to try to get a handle on the Know me by my Teeth egg? Your presence nearby doesn't seem to disturb the egg from whatever it was contemplating, or perhaps waiting for, not even when you touch it. The egg seems maybe a little judgemental. Its banded pink shell is softer than expected and warm from the heat of the sands. There is just the faintest suggestion of a heartbeat. Just when you might be lulled into a false sense of complacency, there is a swift touch on your mind, like something grabbing your wrist and giving a hard beaky nip to the tips of your fingers.

As you return to the Know me by my Teeth egg it seems just as stand-offish as before. However, this time the silence has a more occupied quality. The Brand New Niche is hunting. Suggestions float in your mind of what this egg presence might be like as you remain in contact with the shell, nothing definite – eddies and whorls like movement in the water, little thrashing traces of battle and hunt, only partial and fragmented. It's like you're seeing the Brand New Niche only by what it leaves behind. Feathers, fins, claws, eyes, fangs, and far stranger raptorial adaptations flash before your eyes, refusing to become one whole – except for the sudden feeling that the Brand New Niche is advancing on you, flying with the kind of speed you know you can't escape.

Connecting with the shell again brings you right back into the vision the Brand New Niche was showing you. It's hurtling for you, the thing within the Know me by my Teeth egg hunting you down with terrifying agility and cunning – it's on you faster than you can think, keen vision showing it the way, limbs wrapping around you and the cone of its teeth crushing the life out of you… And after a few moments of that stricken darkness, light comes back to your senses and you are floating. The Brand New Niche carries you along with it, rushing as weightless as sunlight through the dream, the grime of reality far below you and the void of death far above. You have been transformed, uplifted by the first teeth which ruled over all, one with the first king of beasts that rose, nektonic, from the mud and hunted.

Pallasian Wisdom Purple Athenyth

Adult Length: 30 ft

Despite her unassuming egg, Athenyth is a dragon to watch out for. She has a rich, lustrous wine-colored hide. Soft silver markings adorn her body like feathers and seem to melt into her wings, creating an ombre effect. Her body is lithe and lean, with a long, elegant tail - she’s built for speed! She’s most comfortable in the air and her frame shows that - while nowhere near the size of some of her siblings, she can fly just as fast and far as the rest of them. She holds her head up high, for as she may be small and deceptively delicate, but Athenyth knows she is truly royal.

Athenyth tends to tire easily from hatching, and will take extra time and effort to build up her endurance. She’ll naturally want to resist the extra exercise time - unless it’s fun.

Angelic Lenore

Athenyth’s mind is a crowded throne room, draped in royal purple. She communicates with heralds and resounding trumpets, befit for a regal dragon. Cheers accompany her decisions, for better or for worse (although she can be convinced to change her mind, thankfully.) Drapes fall off the walls when she’s angry, but her happiness causes her room to shine, much like the treasure she is.

Athenyth exudes an aura of regal curiosity and unwavering confidence. Despite being small, her presence commands attention like a jewel gleaming in the night sky.Her curiosity knows no bounds, often leading her on daring explorations and adventures beyond the confines of the weyr - naturally, this leads to excellence or injury. Athenyth’s thirst for knowledge is insatiable, driving her to uncover all the mysteries of the world around her. With each discovery, she adds to her treasure trove of wisdom.Beneath her small exterior lies a fierce spirit, tempered by her regality and fueled by sheer determination. Those who underestimate her are met with the full force of her fiery personality. Athenyth does not shy away from conflict, especially when her siblings’ honor is at stake, her sharp teeth and powerful talons ready to protect those she holds dear at a moment’s notice. To cross her is to invoke the wrath of a dragon whose courage knows no bounds.Amidst her fierceness is grace and nobility as she channels her strength. Her fierceness is less born of anger and more from a desire to protect. In the face of adversity, she is a beacon of hope - what adventures shall she have with you?

Hatchling template by TaimaTala
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Mari
Dragon written by Mari
Hatchling color by Lycanthroprince
Egg Color by AestheticallyBoy

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

Behind the Name: Athenyth comes from Athena, goddess of wisdom - with corvids being so curious and intelligent, plus this dragon’s tendency towards fighting, Athena seemed a good choice for a name!

The Hatch

Sun Met in Darkness’s movement is imperceptible at first - a few tiny twitches, but then suddenly goes still. Is this egg even ready to hatch? Maybe five more minutes…or days…

That alarm clock is finally ringing, apparently. Sun Met in Darkness is making strange popping noises as it shakes, and a small hole appears in the shell. It settles down again - there’s a lot of light coming through that little hole! Just a little bit more!

The light is too much! It isn’t long before the shards of *Sun Met in Darkness are scattered on the sand and Pallasian Wisdom Purple Hatchling stands proudly among the shards. She made this, after all - but why isn’t her human standing right in front of her? Guess she’s going to just have to look through the masses for her person.

Spotlight! Camera! Pose! Pallasian Wisdom Purple Hatchling lifts her head high and carefully inspects the line of candidates before her. So many people, so little time - so many in the way. She firmly ignores most of them - truly, they are not fit to share the throne. No, her person had to be quite special and unique, and they had to be around here somewhere!

What? Why wasn’t her person making themselves known? Pallasian Wisdom Purple Hatchling makes her way down the line of candidates for what seemed to be the millionth time, carefully sniffing and turning away her head when they proved to be unworthy (and snapping her teeth at ones who were particularly ambitious - ambition was wonderful, but not while she was so hungry and so lonely!)She stops in front of Bram and gives him a once-over. Could this be it? Had she finally found her partner? There was only one way to find out - a taste-test, naturally.She gives Bram a hard nip on his hand, not stopping until her teeth get good and deep. She releases him with a small snort and tosses her head as she walks away - not only was that not her partner, he didn’t even taste good!

What an absolute nightmare. Pallasian Wisdom Purple Hatchling has had plenty of adventure, but it was time to decide just who was the perfect person for her. So many people, so little time…She tossed her elegant head this way and that, showing off her profile as she scans everyone and carefully picks her way over the sands. Was walking always this interesting, or was it just the texture? Curiouser and curiouser, but it was time to truly decide just who to pick - a line of all ages, all genders, all good choices now that she’s had a moment to think.Her parading suddenly stops, and she meets the eyes of her chosen person. <Ah! It’s you! Tell me…how does meat taste? I believe I am craving it, yet I know nothing about it…>She rises up to her full height. <And you seem like just the person who can inform me. My name is Athenyth, and you and I are now partners for life. I know you’re ready for me - let’s eat and you can tell me everything there is to know. Let’s start with meat-tasting.>

Sun Met in Darkness

Sun Met in Darkness is small and sleek and resembles polished obsidian. The egg looks smooth as glass, as if one were to pick it up, it would immediately slip out of their fingers. Its surface has a metallic sheen, with small silver markings etching a feathery pattern across its surface. The base of the egg has a few hints of deep blue, which fade neatly into the rest of its inky surface. While it shines beautifully in the light, it makes its presence known in the dark as well - its energy is palpable, especially as one draws near to it. It's comfortable in its spot, and doesn't seem to care to move much.

Once your fingers brush its surface you immediately find yourself flying through nothingness, yet you can feel an inquisitive energy surrounding you. Angelic Lenore does not ask for an invitation into your mind, no - it invades, skimming the surface and pulling anything that it finds sparkly and shiny, such as just who you are exactly. As it skims your being, you notice tiny pinpricks of light in the darkness growing larger and larger until they burst into a blinding silvery shimmer. You are unceremoniously deposited back into your own mind, but as you look at the egg, you could swear you saw it wink.

Another go? Angelic Lenore is delighted to see you! It has brought you back into its shimmering mist, which as it fades you notice that its mind is a dimly-lit room filled with treasures. It nudges you here and there, proudly showing off bits and baubles that sparkle, but most importantly the thousands of books which crowd its precious treasures - however, each page is blank. Angelic Lenore's presence seems impatient - what can you tell it? It doesn't take this time, only listens as you pour out details of your story - where you're from, who've you met, what you do. It hums with thousands of questions, hounding you for every single exquisite detail. It hangs on to your every word, and once you've finished, a book on the shelf glows silver. Inquisitive little thing!

" This time Angelic Lenore's joy is conspicuous, birdsong and flowers intertwined in its sweet symphony. Look, it shows you excitedly. Look at how much the treasure room has grown with your knowledge! Happiness thrums and vibrates throughout the now bright space as its song echoes off the walls. There is beauty and wonder here, thoughts to be found and shared, more treasures to collect and display. You feel its curiosity bubble and vibrate again - it needs more!You tell Angelic Lenore more of your hopes and dreams, and its happiness turns into ecstasy. It has dreams, too! Don't tell it too much about the world outside, it warns - for its greatest joy would be to learn everything, go everywhere, meet everyone with you. For this mind, you just may be its greatest treasure. Are you ready to delve into the well of knowledge and bring joy together?"

Titania’s Feline Sovereign Opal Marjorath

Adult Length: 60 ft

Marjorath doesn’t need her name in lights to stand out! Her elegant hide, a mixture of rich blues and purples, shimmers brightly, especially when freshly oiled. She has large, beseeching eyes that seem to look straight into one’s soul (and that she uses to get lots of treats!) She is strong, muscular, and gives a picture of elegance and grace, especially when her near-translucent wings unfurl in flight. Tendrils of color twist up her legs and tail like vines, swirling beautifully within the rich blue. Her wings are mottled with the same coloring, which is vaguely reminiscent of stars.

As an adult, Marjorath is on the BIG side - and it doesn’t help that she’s clumsy, either. She has to be especially mindful of moving about in a space and has to work twice as hard at physical activities - the last thing she wants to do is accidentally squash some unsuspecting rider. She won’t be winning any gold medals when it comes to swimming or flying, but she’ll work hard to use her strength.

Prospero's Chaos

Majorath’s mind is calm and cozy, a comfortable cabin oasis in the middle of a rainy forest. It includes old books on a worn bookshelf, a comfortable couch beneath a window, and of course warm cups of tea. Her voice is musical and warm, reminiscent of piano and guitar echoing through the quiet space. While her mind conjures up warmth and comfort, there’s an underlying firmness in her manner - she welcomes all, but they had better mind their manners.

Usually, Marjorath is so laid back she’s practically sideways. However, she bears a sense of duty and responsibility to any person or dragon marginalized in Pern society, especially in the more traditional weyrs. She doesn’t just want to trample on oppression, she wants to be integral in building a new, more just society for both human and dragonkind.She is kind and fierce, much like Wynni but with a more assertive edge. She embodies a generous spirit, but has no hesitation when it comes to confronting injustice head-on - sometimes it’s a talk, sometimes it’s a warning, sometimes it’s time to take matters into her own talons. Others may quiver in her presence, recognizing her power - but at heart, she just wants everyone to get along! Her sheer size and the whispers about her may cause others to be frightened at first, but she hopes they realize pretty soon that she is only upset when she perceives harm towards someone (including themselves) - otherwise, she wants everyone to do as they wish.Marjorath has a burning desire to travel around the world, spreading her message of peace and equality - the problem being that with her size, she may end up damaging a few more spaces than she’d like (with plenty of apologies, naturally.) She’s perfected the art of the loaf, even from the egg, and will more than likely end up blocking traffic several times, especially if she accidentally falls asleep. She has a bit of ‘big dog, but really a lap dog’ syndrome with how she tries to fit into spaces. No matter what, she’s brave and capable enough to find a solution, even if that solution isn’t as comfortable as she likes.With Wynni, when together, Marjorath knows that they’re an absolutely unstoppable team - and apart, they’re unstoppable as well. She has hopes and dreams that aren’t the same as her partner’s, but will be cheering her on the entire way. While she’s happiest with Wynni, she’s all right with being apart, too - sure, she’ll whine a bit when they have to split, but doesn’t hold a grudge. Marjorath wants what’s best for the world, and knows that both she and Wynni have the power to change it.

Hatchling template by TaimaTala
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Mari
Dragon written by Mari
Hatchling color by Jude
Egg Color by AestheticallyBoy

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

Egg Inspiration: Clouded Leopard/Shakespeare/Lo-fiBehind the Name: The name guidelines I received were to try and match Wynni, but also have connections to both dragon parents. I started thinking about flower language because of the ‘aster’ in Asterath. I found out that marjoram means happiness in flower language - and it happens to be entirely green. :)Soundtrack: I needed feminist bangers, songs about standing up for yourself, and excitement about what’s out there waiting.

The Hatch

Before the Storm rocks sideways, as if testing the limits of its shell. It tries a harder rock, succeeding in moving forward a few feet but remaining intact. Hatching is tough!

Is it hatching or dancing? Before the Storm’s rocking moves from tentative to intense, making a large berth for itself in the sands. A fine series of cracks appears on its surface, but there’s still no sign of the dragon within.

Oh dear, this shell is hard! Before the Storm continues to rock, the shell butting forward until a clawed foot manages to burst free. It hesitates for a moment and works to push all four legs out, until it stands with the shell still covering its body, reminiscent of a tank.Right, that isn’t supposed to be there.With more hard work and loud cracks, the rest of the shell falls to the sands, and Titania’s Feline Sovereign Opal Hatchling stands tall and proud for a few moments, showing off her glittery hide before promptly wobbling and falling over. Whoops!

Titania’s Feline Sovereign Opal Hatching remains firmly faceplanted in the sands for a while - she’s not hurt, it’s just nice and warm and seems like a great place to chill. Eventually, her tummy wins out and she slowly gets up, shaking her head this way and that to get rid of the sand, but a piece of shell remains firmly on her head like a helmet. She takes a tentative step forward - hey, the legs work! And they are propelling her forward! Legs are wonderful! There’s a long line of candidates in front of her, but she doesn’t seem to be in much of a rush to find her partner just yet.

Titania’s Feline Sovereign Opal Hatchling has figured out just how well legs work - and if she moves them together, they work even better! She steps ungainly around the sands, tromping here and there and leaving surprisingly large footprints. Her ‘helmet’ remains on as she inspects a line of excited candidates - and moves on. <Hmm. Not quite for me, I believe…no, lovely, it wasn’t you, either…> She knows she’s leaving disappointment in her wake, but it wouldn’t be fair to their intended dragons if she led them on. No, where is her life partner?

This wouldn’t do at all! Hatching was hard work, walking was hard work, and now her partner was playing hide and seek! Hide and seek was fun, but not so much when her belly was rumbling enough to burst. Titania’s Feline Sovereign trots down the line again, carefully inspecting each candidate. No, they still wouldn’t do, and she doesn’t quite know why. Time for the third try, she’s bound to have missed something with so many people! She stalks back to her egg for a moment, and thinks, as hard as she can. Even in deep thought and with a shell shard on her head, she remains elegant - well, as long as she stands still.Oh yes, that one! Titania’s Feline Sovereign has been so focused on food and walking that she had just kept overlooking her. Whoops. There’s no hesitation this time as she stalks up to the young woman with long black hair and vividly green eyes. <Wynni! I like that name. It’s very happy, you know.>She gently headbutts her chosen and looks at her with concern, yellow whirling in her deep blue eyes. <Did my siblings hurt you? Shame on them! I’ll have to bite them later for being so rude! We’ll get you fixed up, and I get to eat all of that meat I’ve been smelling for practically ages.> She curls up next to her and looks back at Wynni with beseeching deep blue eyes. <You’ve got a lot to do with your Marjorath, you know. Let’s go!>

Before the Storm

The Before the Storm egg is set slightly apart from others, nestled at the top of a soft hill of sand. It doesn't particularly stand out in size or shape, but its coloring gives pause. Its pearlescent surface is visible from afar, a delicate blend of silver and white reminiscent of the sky a few hours before a thunderstorm. Upon closer examination, intricate grey and black swirls dance across its surface. When it catches the light just right, tiny hints of blue, green, and purple iridescence are visible, the colors vivid against the dreamy landscape. At certain angles, the patterns appear to shift and move, as if the egg were cloaked in a veil of mist. It seems content where it is on its hill, keeping watch - although you can't quite decide if it's tracking its siblings - or you.

There's a pause, and you wonder if it'll ever respond at all. Eventually, Prospero's Chaos invites you into its space, and you feel you've passed the first test of this inquisitive, yet somewhat distant mind - it doesn't trust you enough, not yet. In the distance, you hear a low rumble as a storm approaches. In a rush of humid air, you find yourself on the floor level of an all-encompassing rainforest. Faint bird chirps and answering cries invade your ears as you make your way through this natural maze of thick vine shrouds and brilliantly colored flowers. You stop at the base of the largest tree, so tall that as you gaze up in its branches you think it splits the skyline and into the beyond of space. Prospero's Chaos invites you to climb - do you dare leave the safety of the ground?

So you've accepted the challenge! Prospero's Chaos seems pleased, perhaps? The storm feels a little closer, but the flowers seem brighter, the birdcalls stronger. It's easy to find a way up the tree at first; there are sturdy branches and small notches that are perfect to grab ahold. The further you climb, the thinner the trunk - and when you peer down, it's hard to see the ground. A branch snaps under your foot, but you manage to hang on and scramble further as the clouds darken. Prospero's Chaos seems ever closer, ever watchful - you get the feeling that this egg will push you to the limits of what's possible.This time, you know that it's observing you but its touch is gentle, much like an animal nudging a ball with its nose. It slowly gathers its information, drawing out the bits of memory that lie on the surface. You can sense its intensity as it craves more - really, who are you? What dreams drive you?"

Prospero's Chaos welcomes you back into its forest quickly this time, and you can feel its presence strongly just above you, the curiosity growing more and more intense as you scramble towards the next branch. With a loud crack, lightning illuminates the sky and the rain begins to pour. The birds still sing and the flowers blossom more intensely, more and more blooming until the tree is aglow with a rainbow of vivid hues. Despite the storm around you, you feel dry within the tree branches. Do you desire adventure? it seems to ask. You get the sensation that the presence within is wildly protective, as long as you aren't afraid to climb with it. It'll push you, demand nothing but your best, but will always be there to catch you when you fall.You've reached the top of the tree and sit above the storm, watching a sky with thousands of stars and feel a sense of pride coming from the mind within. You'll go through trials together, it says, but the key is together. Together, you'll brave the wide, wild world that it's longing to explore with you. Will you soar through the storms and engage with this mind's elegant dance?"

The Sun's Rise Orange Cheleth

Adult Length: 31 ft

Cheleth is on the smaller end for an orange, but she makes up for it by being on the muscular side, yet graceful when she moves. Head-on, her color starts with a vibrant shade of sunshine yellow, but on quick glance, it's the only spot as the rest of her color is a vibrant, almost neon shade of orange. What keeps her from being overwhelming in color is the cracks and fractures that run along her hide, through neck, tail, wings, and limbs. When viewed from afar, her overall look is like looking at a gemstone that has been cracked in its recovery from the dirt. There are long, meandering lines in every direction that drift across her hide; mostly shades of darker orange, and occasionally, they are colored in brighter shades of brown and red, giving her a distinctive appearance. Of her tail, it is longer than might be expected for her smaller stature, and is almost serpentine in shape. The very tip of her tail, much like her nose, is also vibrantly sunshine yellow, almost as if marking where she began, and where she ends.

Cheleth is going to throw everyone for a start, for instead of growing evenly over time, she's going to have several growth spurts. This will be annoying to track, but overall, will not hurt her actual physical frame; it just means that unexpectedly, she might not fit into the same weyrling barrack she did yesterday, and you have to move. By the time she turns eighteen months, though, just like her clutchmates, she'll be at her full size and musculature. Speaking of, Cheleth is a very graceful dragon. She's confident in the way she moves, and her tail is long and serpentine compared to most, but she uses it well to help balance her. She won't be tripping over it. She's also a very strong dragon - dragons can heft what they think they can, and she also believes that she is as strong as she needs to be.

The Solemn Watcher

Cheleth's voice comes out in a low, deep contralto. It's the soothing nature of wind through a tunnel, mud after a heavy rain, or the silence in an empty cave. Her mindscape is situated as a series of caves and tunnels connected to each other, her emotions and tone having great bear on the way it seems. Moments of curiosity, joy, and genuine happiness color objects gold; sparkles within the walls revealing hidden gemstones and much more, hinting that there is more than just what can be seen. When she's down - sad, or when it's concern or worry, her tone and the feel of her mindscape is dull, with a more brassy baritone than she normally has. Entering her psyche is much like going spelunking for treasure; there are secrets and treasures about in the thoughts of this carefully guarded, yet spunky personality.

In the first interaction, Cheleth is very much like her mindvoice. She's thoughtful and introspective when it comes to new experiences and new people, and likes to be careful and deliberate with her decisions versus jumping in the whole hog. As she gets used to people and experiences, her personality will start shining through more immediately upon interacting with someone or something again, and she always tries to follow the philosophy of approaching life with a smile and joy, rather than anger and sadness.She is kind and tries to put people at ease when interacting with them the first time around. She's not nosy, but she will ask questions to try to get a conversation going if the other person is shy or seems uncomfortable. She does have a sense of humor that she likes to let out when she's around people she knows and is comfortable with. She doesn't mind being in a crowd, but her preference is for small, intimate interactions with others.Cheleth is notoriously stubborn. She doesn't like to take no for an answer, and she doesn't like saying no to genuine requests for assistance or for time spent doing activities or chores. She's a hard worker but she knows her limits, and won't push herself past them unless she needs too. Cheleth is there to support people for their wins and their losses. She's always going to attempt to do her best to be the friend someone needs, without being motherly or dependent about it; instead, she just wants her friends, and especially Ziari to know that no matter where you go or what you do, Cheleth will be there to support you.Of hobbies, she shares Ziari's like of dragon hide and nail care, and while she doesn't typically sing, she will hum along to the music as long as it's not disturbing others. With her smaller size, she can get down with a dance party, or even just lounge around and bob her head to the beat. Just because she likes it peaceful doesn't mean it has to be quiet, after all. She loves to get to go exploring. Going through old cave systems, trekking through jungles, overnight camping expeditions are examples of activities that she'd enjoy doing. She'll do well working in jobs or leading activities related to nature.

Hatchling template by TaimaTala
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Spy
Dragon written by Spy
Hatchling color by Alice
Egg Color by Spy/Shipfish

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

"Grey as A Mouse" Egg Theme - As the clutch was based on Beasts of the Wild, the Grey as a Mouse Egg was inspired by elephants. Elephants are known for their protective nature, are often viewed as good fortune, and are respected. Grey as A Mouse's touches were inspired by where elephants are found as a basis for the location, with them knowing to be wanderers and loyalty to the ones that returned to them and their herd. This was worked out with them opening up at the first and second touches while being a bit shy; when a candidate would return the third time, you were now accepted as a member of the herd.Cheleth's name - from Chelia (che-li-a; 'che' as in cheese) - derived from the Latin name Celia, meaning heavenly, and Mount Chelia, in Algeria. Le is Chinese (lee) in origin, and means joy/happiness; thus her name translates to heavenly joy. Pronunciation is best done as 'che-lee-eth'. This went well with your keywords that Cheleth's personality was based on, as well as a Mountain = Elephant match-up. Together, the two of you will reach the heavens, and on!

The Hatch

There's a bit of a shimmy from the Grey As A Mouse Egg, almost as if it's testing what's around it. Snuggled into the bit of sand it is, however, after it does the test, it settles back down as if deciding that it's fine where it is, at least for this moment.

Grey As A Mouse Egg is shimmying about in its wallow even more now. It's as if the hatchling within has decided to make an appearance, however, based on the lack of more than several cracks appearing, it's certainly deciding to take its exit methodically.

Shimmy, shimmy... shake... Crack! The one within the Grey As A Mouse Egg finally decides to make itself known, a whole section of the egg falling to the Hatching Sands with finality. From the depths of this cave, The Sun's Rise Orange Hatchling comes out from the darkness, making its way onto the Sands.

The Sun's Rise Orange Hatchling finally decides to move, after having stood quietly by its' egg for several minutes. It starts with a spread of those wings, which surprises the dragonet, as the angular head swings around to consider one of them, then back to the other side. Oh! Yup! Those are wings! Of course, it has wings. It knew that. Folding them back, the dragonet finally moves towards the candidates, sitting some feet away, yet close enough it can stretch out and peer at each candidate individually.After giving each candidate a long look, The Sun's Rise Orange Hatchling finally makes a move, settling their sights on two specific candidates near the end of the line. One of them... no, not the first - that was a mistake. Those happen. The second one, a young lass with stunning bleach blonde hair, finds herself thoroughly examined by the dragonnet, before it declares her not right. The vibes - they're just not there. Frustrated, the candidate is knocked to the ground by a headbutt from the dragonet, who looks around at all the candidates again, eyes starting to whirl purple-yellow as they go down the line again. The Sun's Rise Orange Hatchling knows you're out there. Just where ARE you?

Continuing to go around the candidates, The Sun's Rise Orange Hatchling's eyes start to whirl faster. They know you visited them once before - but you are not here, not like this, not thin this mass. A bassy creeling noise escapes from the dragonet, before its' head finally swings around to gaze towards Asterath for a moment. After that, the dragonet turns away from their clutchparent, glancing back towards not just the candidates, but the others that have come to watch the Hatching ... wait! The Sun's Rise Orange Hatchling can you feel you over there! Finally - <Why weren't you with the rest?> It inquires of ... Zari. Picking up speed as it charges across the sands, the lovely blonde-brunette gets headbutted even harder than the other candidate had as the dragonet makes it to her side - a clear sign of the dragonets' disapproval. However, The Sun's Rise Orange Hatchling's eyes observe Zari's delicate manicure with approval, before lifting its' head to their person.< ... hello, Ziari.> Falling away from the heat of the sands as your eyes lock with those pair of eyes that just minutes ago, were so concerned. It's the feeling of cool wind through your hair, contentment, joy. They have found what was missing, and that person is you. < I'm glad I found you. I'm Cheleth - Che-lee-eth. Are you ready for this next adventure, this one that embarks this very moment, my Ziari?> A pause. <But first, I must be well-fed before we go exploring. So please, lead the way to the wherry supplies. Then after that, a nap. Then: To the skies above and the earth below!>

Grey as a Mouse

A barely medium-sized egg, this one has been found set to the side compared to the rest of the clutch, its dull coloring making it blend with the walls of the Hatching Cavern. Upon closer inspection, this egg is more oblong than a proper egg shape; its primary grey-brown color and two streaks of white are the only visible from far away. Brown and grey blend together to give it a uniform background. two striking lines of white mark the surface, one going from end to end, the other merely a quick line, as if someone forgot to finish it. Up close one can see there is more to this egg than before; across its whole surface are speckles of pale pink.

Touching the outside of the Grey As A Mouse Egg is a start, and it takes a moment to pull you inside. There is a sense of The Solemn Watcher; they are observing you as you take in the view. You are standing by the edge of a forest, a watering area visible, although a bit of a walk away. There are wide pathways broken through small trees and bushes, the signs of activity, even if there is no one other than you and The Solemn Watcher. Above, the canopy of trees blocks most of the shine of what must be the sun; within, there is a sense of peace.

With this touch, you are drawn back to the forest a little faster than before. This time, you find The Solemn Watcher as an actual companion, rather than an observer. There is a sense of gentle curiosity; you've found them, and they've accepted you. There's a sense of desire to learn about you who has come to their space, but The Solemn Watcher is going to push you about it. They're just as content to have you exist in this peaceful space in silence as they are to learn about you, although there is a sense of shyness about sharing anything about themselves.

The third touch is an instantaneous pull to The Solemn Watcher's side. Now that they've had a chance to vibe with you, it seems you are welcome into their space with no qualms. Indeed, there is a sense of more from The Solemn Watcher; they are happy to have you here, more than just their sense of companionable curiosity. Now that you are companions, they would like you to know everything, for they are more than just their egg size and quietness; there is a sense of interest that they didn't show you before. If you were their partner, would you be able to do the impossible; and show them the forest of life beyond the trees?

Clear to the Horizon Brown Lotteliecynth

Adult Length: 44 ft

Lotteliecynth is a medium brown color, a little desaturated, though her hide nearly glows with a warm undertone, especially when she's had a good meal recently. Her tailtips and hind feet are a little darker than the rest of her hide. She has a mask that's a slightly lighter shade that her base, reminding onlookers of her sire's similar look, and it doesn't help that she has a few more light, irregular patches on her throat. These, however, are a more amber hue, and Lotteliecynth's interior wingsails also harbor this shade. More spectacularly, Lotteliecynth has arcing, desaturated lines on her wings, amber and wheaten and peridot and the soft dusty blue of a blueberry. On her wingtips is a wine shade, bringing the whole together into a rainbow of soft, comforting hues.Lotteliecynth is a medium size and weight for a brown. Her proportions are what they might call classical; she has tall back legs, good for launching, and good deal of padding around her tailbase and shoulders like would be good for surviving lean tithe seasons. Her features are inquisitive, with upturned eyeridges and an expressive mouth.

Lotteliecynth sways when she walks – just a little more than usual, but it's noticeable. She also tends to be a bit slow as she goes from place to place – Lottie likes to look, to absorb her surroundings, to win the race with the hare by keeping the tortoise's pace. Lotteliecynth uses her deep-drafted wings to power through the sky but again she isn't fast – she's built for endurance, for power, not for speed.

Playful Partner

The playful, trickling and falling waters of the egg have followed Lotteliecynth out of the shell, and now she has provided the visitors to her mind a seat in which to ride along her current. Flowing and ever moving even when the moment is still and quiet, beauty teams in its many forms in the great rivers and seas of her mind. A boat fashioned of her hopes and wishes carries you along the surface as if you are carried along by the fluttering beat of her heart itself. The light and speed of the water will change with her mood, and the vessel in which visitors traverse her many bodies will sometimes be swift and playful, but other times it will struggle to move forward.Emotion, feeling and conviction will paint itself in sea spray and white water that froths to show every color of the rainbow, unyielding eddies that discard negativity and currents that flow swift and confident like a song written deep in her bones. In gentle and quiet moments still waters will draw gentle and languid circles with the soothing sound of rippling water. Whatever the occasion, Lotteliecynth's waters will open themselves like the gentle push of the tide on the shore, beckoning others to her many shallows and depths.

Gregarious and outgoing in subtle and easy going notes, Lotteliecynth's presence is one that will naturally attract others to it. She's got a certain spark that will light up the rooms and conversations she's in, and the empathy and gentle, nuanced understanding she can exercise for the emotions and aches of others will keep others at her side once the moment has passed. She has strong morals that everyone deserves a fair shake, a kind word, the opportunity to enjoy themselves so long as no one else gets hurt, and to feel safe wherever they are. Lotteliecynth believes in these basic tenets with all that she is, and isn't afraid to speak on them. She is eloquent, witty and gentle in her delivery all at once. She will excel in the art of socialization without much effort, but the pursuits of art and academia will be held near and dear to her and things she has to work at. Once she learns that through art and academia she can help others, Lotteliecynth will devote herself wholeheartedlyLotteliecynth's personality might naturally draw eyes to her… and there might be some among those drawn in by her magnetism that don't like something about her. Sometimes their distaste will come from rational causes, many times it won't. For the former she will do her best to learn and adjust without compromising herself, but for the latter she will stand her ground for herself and her bonded, and even more so if she is resolute for more than just her own self. The burden of being the first one to stand up is a hard one, but when it's for others, Lotteliecynth will accept that burden every time. This can absolutely lead to Lotteliecynth leaving a bad taste in people's mouths, and her valiance and magnetic personality can be easily interpreted as attention seeking. She'll struggle with that, and in those moments she will need reassurance from her bond to keep her confidence from flagging and waning.Lottie is an uncomfortable academic in some of the same ways B'at is. Just like him, she struggles to stick with things that don't animate her, don't touch her core in some way. She doesn't have a good head for dates and numbers, nor even for big names – but she likes concepts, narrative, ideology. She's more of a seer and a feeler than B'at… but this might be where they meet their disconnect. Lotteliecynth is uncompromising on her ideals. One of her ideals is her sanctity and individuality, and it's just the truth that she's not "right" to some kind of people. B'at has been able to ignore those uncomfortable truths so far… so how is he going to deal with them now?

Hatchling template by TaimaTala
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Riyel and Shipfish
Dragon written by Ezra, Heather and Shipfish
Hatchling color by Heather and Shipfish
Egg Color by Ezra

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

Words from Ship: I wrote Hand in Hand egg (with Heather's guidance) in a single happy rush, knowing that I needed to take the inspiration (otters) as far as I could. The first touch references river otters with their excitement but a little bit of their arrogance too – imagine the crocodiles in those waters… I envisioned Hand in Hand as an explorer and a lover, the sea otter in pose three bringing their beloved to all their special places. I think Lotteliecynth embodies some of these, but she brings them all home. Lottie loves. Lottie is self-possessed. She loves life, but she loves truth too, which Hand in Hand was too naive to know.Words from Ezra: My contributions were primarily in the foundation of Lottie's personality, her mindscape, and in fleshing out the posts that Ship outlined for me. We all brainstormed themes for Lottie together, and I think my big contribution there was adding in the inspiration of Eartha Kitt, who I greatly admire and who I think is the epitome of your ask for a tv personality who thinks she deserves the spotlight while also avoiding a selfish or self centered dragon. Eartha Kitt was all about confidence, receiving criticism but only when it was valid and being true to herself even when it was hard. Eartha was an icon because she did it not just for herself but so she could lift up the voices of others who struggled to be heard. This also I felt pinged into your request for a dragon that would push Barat to stand for something, but in a loving and exploratory way.I helped kick start the conversation for Lottie's name with the word Lotic, which means: (of organisms or habitats) inhabiting or situated in rapidly moving fresh water. Just to help tie everything back to the initial egg inspiration of an otter.I'm also responsible for your playlist and inspo images, don't judge me LOL

The Hatch

Like a sigh of water coming gently around a bend, sand slid away from Hand in Hand Egg as it swayed where it rested. It rocked gently as if adrift upon gentle waves, and then fell still.

Again, Hand in Hand Egg rocked upon rippling waves, tipping side to side in a motion that is so smooth and gentle it has a rhythm, an ebb and flow. Gray and brown pieces of shell crumble away, but only expose pale amnion rather than hide.

The gentle waves that Hand in Hand Egg had been experiencing in a world all its own have become tempestuous and impatient as the charged atmosphere of the sands beyond started to permeate it's shell. Like a storm whipping up the waves, Hand in Hand Egg tumbled and rolled across the stands before the crumbling shell broke away and two long, elegant wings stretched high into open air. Their sails were a warm, comforting brown, outlined in boldly contrasting lines of soft, natural color.Clear to the Horizon Brown lifted her head and squinted into the light, a giddy exuberance filling her chest even as she was assailed with so many emotions. Empathy for the world around her splashed against her mind like currents meeting. She came staggering forward from her shell to fill her lungs with warmth and the electric charge of life and excitement, even as she felt negativity swirling at her periphery like encroaching dark waters.

Everything was so bright and busy. Clear to the Horizon Brown's mind swirled, tossed around through the many eddies of new sensations and experiences. The sound of her siblings, the candidates all dressed in white, the galleries, the feeling of the warm sands against her feet, sticking and clumping where the heat had not yet dried her from the egg. Her head swung around, regarding her parents and the many onlooking eyes, before her gaze followed the room's attention.Her sibling, Paladin of the Balanced Scales Red had Liam in its mouth and was shaking him! Her eyes whirled, alarm, fear and indignation swirling in a myriad of colors, pulsing to the beat of her racing heart. <Stop that! Stop! He's done nothing wrong, he's here for us! He's here to keep us safe, let him go! We can't do things like that, you can't just hurt people!> Clear to the Horizon Brown's unsteady, infant limbs were strengthened with righteous indignation and she galloped two strides forward, her brilliant, beautiful wings thrown wide to catch Paladin of the Balanced Scales Red's attention and bring her back to sense.

For a moment, Clear to the Horizon Brown thought that she had successfully deterred Paladin of the Balanced Scales Red from her violence against the candidates, but there was something she didn't trust in the way the red had looked at her. Then Paladin of the Balanced Scales Red lunged upon Rkorya, and from there onto the sands with a hiss that even in infancy, Clear to the Horizon Brown could not mistake for anything but aggression.She staggered backwards, stumbling, and inadvertently putting herself comfortably in range of Paladin of the Balanced Scales Red's pounce. The two of them rolled through the sands, and Clear to the Horizon Brown did all she could to rid herself of the feral red, but through their flailing efforts combined, her sibling's claws raked grievously through her wingsail, opening it and spilling ichor onto the dark sands.When her sibling left her, she lay in the sand, shaking, her wing trembling, unable to fold closed against her side as ichor wept like a gentle stream. Ache burned through her like boiling water in her blood, and her throat ululated with a mournful whimper of pain. Her excitement had been undercut suddenly and brutally, and whimpering, Clear to the Horizon Brown pushed herself to her feet, determination blooming in adversity.

The waters of Clear to Horizon Brown's mind swirled and bubbled, uneasy and roiling as pain lanced through her torn and bleeding wing like a second pulse. She'd had so much joy and hope when she'd broken through her shell, and so soon she'd had her faith tested. Clear to the Horizon Brown knew that she couldn't stand still and wallow in misery since despite the storm threatening to roll up out of the pain that dogged her, there was life to be lived. In pain, dire circumstances and challenge, she would forge ahead, paving her way to joy with her will and her love, albeit while shying away from others.There is a feeling, a pull, a sensation Clear to the Horizon Brown can't quite place. A warm and delightful scent, sweet, but balanced and it fills her with a sensation she's never felt before. The closer she got to that smell the more she began to understand it. It's home cooking, it's something made with love, it's something meant to convey a feeling as much as care, and oh, she needed some care right now. She needed some love to complete hers, she wanted joy, she craved fun and light, she wanted her home.And in him, she found it.Clear to the Horizon Brown stood before Barat, and her head tilted up to peer into his eyes with wonder, curiosity and so, so much affection. <Oh B'at, oh thank goodness. I'm so happy to see you, and look at you. So handsome, what a sight you are. Please, help your Lotteliecynth, I need food and a healer, and most of all, I need you. I'm so glad you're here, I hope you're happy to see me too. We're going to do so much together.>

Hand in Hand Egg

Water stands out against the parched black sands of the Istan hatching grounds...but in the form of an egg? Streaks of dark and light blue rush over the surface of the Hand in Hand Egg, as if one of the Istan waterfalls had been pulled from its home and painted onto the ovoid. Towards the bottom, the lovely colors crash against jagged gray shapes, pieces of which are covered in a grassy green finish.

A chittering, communicative presence frolics near you, disturbing the wide leaves and pendant flowers of the rich jungle you find yourself in. It seems not to see you at first, so busy causing a ruckus and bounding down a slope to a wide, muddy creek – splash! There is an innocent and clear joy to the creature in the Hand in Hand Egg, refreshing and bright and uplifting and playful! The Playful Partner shakes itself – you could almost swear the egg shivers too, but how could that be – and looks back at you, wondering if you will follow.

The Playful Partner emerges immediately this time, the slinky, slippery avatar of the egg's mindscape weaving between your legs and taking off into the brush. You can't do anything but follow, the egg's energetic and curious mood infecting you immediately. As you push aside the thick, waxy leaves of the plants around you and scramble up a hill, the jungle opens up onto an incredible vista – an enormous waterfall that thunders directly into the wide, glittering sea.The Playful Partner is staring over that amazing landscape, just as captivated as you are. But after a few seconds, the creature turns back and snuggles against you, happier to share the sight with a partner than to absorb it on their own."

There is still a one-in-a-lifetime vista before you, the huge waterfall crashing from the jungle to the sea with amazing force and the glitter of rainbows in the spray. But the Playful Partner can't be kept still for long, not even with such beauty to be admired – together. They take your hand and urge you forward over that precipice, too quickly for doubt and too joyously to fear – you fall together through the air and dive down into the deep water – cold, shocking, dark at first but then the sparkling rays of the sun filter down…Still holding you tightly, the Playful Partner leads you through the bending trunks and waving fronds of a kelp forest, green and red and brown vibrant in the currents. They show you the seabed and its urchins. The crabs and anemones. You glimpse other creatures in the waters, too, but all things must end…The final impression the Playful Partner leaves you with is a squeeze of the hand."

Warrior of the Witching Hour White Hyzenth

Adult Length: 13'3"

Hyzenth is all long, sloping lines, as elegant and purposeful as the stroke of a paintbrush over canvas. Her nasal bridge is a bit long with a slight roman nosed shape to her head, that despite not being stereotypically feminine is still incredibly striking and elegant. And if her proportionally long legs, slender body and tail did not make her beautiful enough, her color and markings set her in a class apart. A base of white underlies many furious spots that range from light gray to near black, darkest at her extremities. A dark gray blanket covers her hips and her wingsails are a beautiful stormy mottle.

Hyzenth is rather small for a dragon, often even rivaling the size of some whers. With a slender frame and slight stature, she sometimes resembles a lithe horse or a greyhound - a likeness that extends to her physicality. While she may not be the strongest dragon imaginable, her size and aerial speed provide her with an interesting advantage.Although larger castes may catch up to her given enough time and space, her mass allows her to accelerate off the line much faster than others and execute much tighter turns. Much like a cheetah, she stalks her prey from the cover of shadows and with a flap of her wings - she strikes with such sudden speed and strength that they don’t stand half a chance of escaping.Notably, Hyzenth hatches with a partially limp left back leg. Because of this, Hyzenth may grow up to walk and run much slower than she flies, and tend to prefer being in the air.


Hyzenth’s mindscape unfolds as a dark, frozen expanse - an imposing realm for such a diminutive creature. Initially, it might resemble nothing more than an odd flurry of snow as you share this space with her. Yet, as conversation deepens, you find yourself enveloped in a wintry night of unparalleled chill. Endless fields of snow sprawl around, their depths unfathomable. Distant mountains lurk, shrouded by the perpetual blizzard that obscures your sight.In this stark landscape, Hyzenth blends almost seamlessly into the crystalline white backdrop. Were it not for her spotted hide, spotting her would prove a daunting task amidst the ceaseless snowfall.During tranquil exchanges, the snowfall may adopt a gentler, softer rhythm - powdery, light, and eerily still. However, should her temper flare, the scene transforms dramatically. Snowfall intensifies seemingly out of nowhere, evolving into a full-blown blizzard with alarming speed. Amidst the swirling chaos, spotting Hyzenth becomes a futile endeavor. Visibility diminishes to the point where you can scarcely discern your own hands before you, the chill of the storm seeping into your very bones. Suddenly, without warning, the sun vanishes from the sky, and an unmistakable sensation creeps over you - the sense of being watched. Though Hyzenth remains unseen, you feel her presence, a silent predator stalking amidst the tumult of her tempest.

Hyzenth is inherently nervous, her demeanor shaped by her slight stature, limp leg, and perceived lower status among her kind. Early on, she learned the harsh reality of others' perceptions and feels keenly her limited ability to alter them. Yet, rather than resigning herself to this fate, Hyzenth adopts a more defensive stance akin to a caged animal.During her formative years, Hyzenth exhibits a judgmental and impulsive nature, often resorting to aggression before reason. Despite her tendency to withdraw into the shadows and keep to herself, she harbors a deeply ingrained belief that survival hinges on a "fight or flight" mentality, unwilling to become prey.At times, this defensive instinct leads her to lash out even at those she cares for, including L’am. Every moment is not this dark though - as much as she tries to hide vulnerability, there are moments where she shows L’am her soft underbelly. Enjoying the adrenaline of a challenging hunt, the quiet fluttering of snowfall on a wintery day, dethawing frozen paws after an evening spent in the skies. Things they may find in time they can relate on, and things that may help them set the building blocks of a healthier relationship.Still - for them to forge a harmonious coexistence, both Hyzenth and L’am must undergo significant personal growth, both independently and as a bonded pair.

Hatchling template by TaimaTala
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by AestheticallyBoy
Dragon written by AestheticallyBoy
Hatchling color by Ezra
Egg Color by AestheticallyBoy

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

White-Tailed Jackrabbit
Mythology dating back to neolithic times suggests we have long since associated rabbits/hares/jackrabbits with the moon and rebirth, and I love subversion of tropes, so that alongside the children’s series ‘Bunnicula’ gave me the idea for a moon/jackrabbit/vampire sort of theming.
The “Prey turns itself into a monster to avoid being a victim” trope was a huge inspiration. I know there are other examples, but the only one I can think of is Louis from Beastars.

The Hatch

The Moonlit Revenant Egg, unlike its active siblings, remains eerily motionless. To the uninformed observer, it might appear devoid of life, yet those acquainted with its peculiar nature might harbor suspicions to the contrary.As if in response to the unvoiced inquiries swirling around it, the Moonlit Revenant Egg gives a sudden, sharp wobble—a gesture that feels almost like a frustrated exhalation. Was it struggling to emerge from its shell, or was it simply warning curious onlookers to keep their distance?

The Moonlit Revenant Egg appeared to be mustering its strength, each violent shudder threatening to tip it over into the abyss of the dark sands. Yet, against all odds, it remained resolutely upright, as if defying gravity itself.Then, in a moment of eerie anticipation, a deafening crack rends the air, splitting the inky surface of the shell with a jagged, ominous line. Silence descends once more, thick with tension and anticipation, as if the egg were savoring the moment, relishing the fear it instills in those who dare to watch.

After the initial crack fractures the surface of the Moonlit Revenant Egg, an eerie stillness descends, as if the very act of breaking took an immense toll. But as time passes, a sense of movement stirs within the egg, slow and deliberate.At first, it's almost imperceptible, the shell shifting with a cautious reluctance. Fragments begin to break away, the long splinter widening, until suddenly—BAM! With a burst of sudden energy, the Warrior of The Witching Hour White Hatchling bursts forth, propelled by a forceful momentum. Headfirst, it crashes through the widening crevice, somersaulting onto the scorching sands below in a dramatic entrance.

As the Warrior of The Witching Hour White Hatchling emerges from its shell, it immediately attempts to rise, only to find everything disorientingly different. The world outside is brighter, louder, and altogether overwhelming compared to the snug darkness of its egg.With a sense of confusion, the dragonet struggles to coordinate its movements, its slender head swiveling back to its hind legs as it grapples with the unfamiliar task of standing. Why isn't it working as it should? Gradually, through cautious trial and error, it begins to make progress, first with its front feet, then its back—until a sudden stumble threatens to send it tumbling back to the unforgiving sands below. With a desperate effort, it manages to regain its balance.Yet, a nagging sense of unease gnaws at the hatchling as it scans the gathered candidates, searching for a presence it knows should be there. None of them seem right. Where is the one it seeks, the one it needs? The Warrior of The Witching Hour White Hatchling can feel their presence, a crucial connection waiting to be forged, and it's becoming increasingly anxious to find them.

Warrior of The Witching Hour White Hatchling begins its journey tentatively, uncertain on its four paws as it endeavors to master the art of movement. Its heart thunders in its ears, a frantic rhythm driving it forward in search of its destined companion. Where could they be hiding? Why evade this crucial connection?With determination bordering on desperation, the white dragonet barrels through the crowd of candidates, its urgency palpable. Like a bull in a china shop, it plows into any legs unfortunate enough to obstruct its path.Walking proves to be a daunting task. Every few steps, the hatchling stumbles, sometimes regaining its footing with ease, other times colliding with a candidate's side, sending shockwaves of disappointment through its being. This is not the one it seeks.Yet, somewhere among them, its destined partner awaits. The Warrior of The Witching Hour White Hatchling can almost taste the anticipation, its longing manifesting in a primal instinct to seek out and claim its mate.

The Warrior of The Witching Hour White Hatchling's desperation reaches a crescendo. Where are they? Why do they elude them? Where... where is he?In a moment of clarity, they realize it's not just anyone they seek—it's him. He's nearby, a presence they can sense. With frantic urgency, they scan the crowd, seeking their match.There, amidst the unworthy masses, they spot him—he was small, like herself. Yes, herself. Without hesitation, the Warrior of The Witching Hour White Hatchling lunges toward Candidate Liam, propelled by an overwhelming need to claim what is rightfully hers, that other dragon didn’t have any right to take a bite out of something that wasn’t theirs like that.They collide on the dark sands, and in an instinctive feral embrace, she coils her body and tail around him, a constrictor ensnaring its prey. With a sudden, searing pain, she opens her jaws as wide as she can manage, and sinks her teeth into the flesh of his shoulder, punctuated with white-hot devotional pain, her mouth centered perfectly within Paladin of the Balanced Scales Red's jaw marks.Locked in each other's gaze, their eyes meet in a kaleidoscope of colors, a collision of worlds. In that moment, a connection forms, born of blood and flesh and teeth.<Liam... My Liam... My L'am. You are My Little L'am, and I am your Hyzenth.> She speaks to him alone like gasps of fresh air after drowning, their bond transcending the meaningless clamor of the world around them.Blood stains the corners of her mouth and dribbles down her chin, a crimson oath upon his white robes and her pristine hide.<I wish we could linger in this moment forever, My Little L'am, I truly do. But we are not safe here. You need a healer, and I hunger. We must find sanctuary, away from prying eyes.> Slowly, her grip loosens, blood bubbles to the surface of his skin and drips between her teeth and tongue—a promise, a pact, sealed in the sacred bond between dragon and rider.

Moonlit Revenant Egg

The darkness that covers this egg's surface is shattered by glittering veins of opal that spider through it. Each of these marbled trenches sparkles with a pale, subtle rainbow that shines in sharp contrast to the void it runs through. It rests in the sands as a perfectly broken pearl, small in comparison to its siblings but distinct in its eagerness. From the moments of its laying, it shows a desire to hatch and present its contents to the light of the world. A longing that even the dark depths of its shell cannot hide.

Though The Moonlit Revenant Egg gave many of Ista’s candidates the heebie-jeebies based on its unsettling appearance alone - as you approach the egg, you would feel surprisingly little mental presence calling to you from within. If you didn’t know any better, you might have thought that there wasn’t anyone inside.As your fingers touch the shell of the egg, though, you would feel all of the warmth seem to be torn from your body through the contact with The Moonlit Revenant Egg, alongside all of the light from the space around you, leaving you in an empty, frozen void.At first, there’s nothing… oppressively nothing. A kind of inky black silence that makes it hard to tell if you even have a body, was it not for the biting cold crawling up through your hands from your fingers. Then, you see it… the orb from the shell. You see Lament.Lament floats silently several feet away from you, unmoving, with no visible reaction to your presence, though, after only a moment you feel the world begin to rapidly shift. With no warning, Lament is barreling towards your chest, or… perhaps you are being pulled towards Lament?It’s a breakneck speed either way, within only a few seconds Lament appears to almost crash into your chest, and you are sent flying backwards out of their mindscape, your consciousness rocketed back into your body with an incredible force. "

As you return to The Moonlit Revenant Egg, very little would feel different from your last encounter, the radiating chill of the void within almost chilling your hands before you even touch it’s shell - though, if you paid close attention, you might notice that you could just barely feel Lament from within this time.The moment your fingers graze the shell’s surface, you are brought back to that same dark void as before, though - Lament is waiting for you this time.Who are you? What do you seek from me?The orb is unchanging as Lament speaks, though, it’s strange - their tone is almost accusatory. Like you’re on trial, you feel an intense sense of judgment on your character with their questioning.I am not the one to help achieve your ends.There is venom in their voice as they spit their response at you, hardly giving you a chance to respond before you feel your weight begin to shift. As if the floor underneath your feet vanished, you begin to feel yourself plummet, Lament left disappearing in the distance as you fall deeper and deer into the void until - with another intense amount of force, your mind falls back into your body on the sands of Ista."

As you go to touch The Moonlit Revenant Egg a third time, you feel Lament radiating from within the egg, almost calling to you as your fingers touch the shell’s surface. The void returns, though - notably, you don’t feel the warmth get pulled from your body through The Moonlit Revenant Egg’s shell.Lament is waiting for you once again, floating only a few feet away from you as you return to the inky darkness.It’s not often I see someone this many times.Lament is silent for a moment, seemingly settling into a moment of thought you’re unused to seeing from The Moonlit Revenant Egg.You must realize at this point that I am not one to be easily mistreated. And yet, you return.A statement, more than a question. Quiet, and uniquely reflective of Lament.I may have misjudged you, your persistence is admirable.Before you respond, Lament is moving towards you again, though, slowly this time. Rather than slamming into your chest, you feel Lament approach you gently, cautiously, and seem to float into your chest.And like that - your consciousness is returned to the sands, though, perhaps more gently than before."

Matriarch of Daylight Opal Valkyrith

Non Clutchbearing
Adult Length: 52’6”

Valkyrith finds a powerful and delicate line between beast and beauty, defined by sharp features blending seamlessly into smooth ones - she catches eyes from friend and foe.Her truly opal hide seems to reflect light almost like a mirror to the sun, her color tinted so brightly you might hardly be able to tell with a passing glance that she wasn't a white if it weren't for her size. That is - until the light caught her. Even the tiniest refractions of illumination seem to paint her form in shimmering blues and pinks and greens, a hypnotic swirling pattern that at times can threaten to (at least secretly) dazzle some of the most stiff-lipped traditionalists.Notably, though, Valkyrith also appears to have several ‘bands’ of gold markings, two on her legs, just above her paws (one thicker, one thinner), three at the base of her tail (in increasing size), and two at the end of her tail (one slightly larger). The end of her tail, and the spikes down her back are this same, dazzling gold color - one reminiscent of her clutchmother's.Her form is no different - though she may not be the largest Opal to ever roam Pern, she's a force of nature by any sane account. Her slender face and blended features create an incredibly captivating air about her, only aided by her confident disposition. Her shoulders and chest are powerful, and broad, sliding smoothly back into her (notably slimmer) haunches and rump, making her a rather forward heavy creature. Her wings match the proportion though, and sprawl outwards endlessly into the night once she's fully grown.

Valkyrith is a formidable dragon, standing tall at over 52 and a half feet, with a physique reminiscent of a beast. Yet, there's a captivating allure to her presence, as she effortlessly combines feminine grace with imposing strength. At times, gazing upon her opalescent hide feels akin to beholding a goddess, her form enveloped in a mesmerizing aura of technicolor hues.In her full-grown state, Valkyrith's muscular frame seamlessly integrates with her body, striking a balance between power and beauty. With wings that seem to span impossibly far, she possesses the ability to glide gracefully for extended periods, although her substantial mass does hinder her takeoff speed. While she may not be the largest or most fearsome creature in the realm, she undoubtedly commands attention with every glance directed her way.


Valkyrith's mindscape exudes an overwhelming presence, akin to the distant rumble of thunder or the pulsating rhythm of Nordic drums. It's a sensation that reverberates through the air, resonating deep within your chest and coursing through your bones—a primal force of nature.As Valkyrith draws nearer, her aura envelops you like the warmth of the sun, casting the surroundings in a dazzling array of colors that dance and flicker with every movement. It's an immersive experience where the boundary between sensation and perception blurs, leaving you immersed in a kaleidoscope of light and sound.In her presence, you can't discern whether the rhythmic beat echoing in your ears is the thunderous drumming of Valkyrith's aura or the pounding of your own heart. Yet, amidst the symphony of light and sound, there's a palpable sense of harmony—a synchronicity between the pulsating base and the radiant glow.While Valkyrith can adjust the intensity of these lights to facilitate conversation, it becomes challenging for her to dim them when she's overcome with emotion. Notably, it's the thunderous drums that roar to life when she experiences frustration or anger, signaling her turbulent state of mind.

Valkyrith embodies unyielding and unwavering confidence. From the moment she came into existence, she knew her purpose and identity with absolute certainty, and nothing can shake that foundation. Consequently, she does not tolerate others attempting to impose their perceptions of who she should be upon her, and she makes that clear without hesitation.Valkyrith is a dragon of both eloquence and strength. She expresses her feelings openly and directly, unafraid to speak her mind. Furthermore, she's more than capable of backing up her words with a devastating swipe from her formidable claws.

Hatchling template by TaimaTala
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by AestheticallyBoy
Dragon written by AestheticallyBoy
Hatchling color by AestheticallyBoy
Egg Color by AestheticallyBoy

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

Rainbow Boa
I pulled inspiration from some sort of intersection between color, light, electricity & sound - things that feel very physical without being things you can easily hold. Known facts, you cannot question them.
Valkyrith was very much based on the trope of unquestioning, unshakable, unwavering confidence. A creature that simply does not wrestle with insecurity, her goals are too large to worry about that sort of nonsense. The way people watch her is proof enough she is as powerful as she feels.

The Hatch

With barely a moment's pause, The Insatiable Iridescence Egg begins to tremble, its movements vigorous and determined. It seems eager to cast off the constraints of its shell and join the Candidates on the sands. The force of its motion nearly topples its pastel-hued sibling, yet the calmer egg stands firm, accustomed to its sibling's exuberant energy.Once more, a deep rumble reverberates through the egg, its shell vibrating as if on the brink of detonation. Despite being confined for now, The Insatiable Iridescence Egg appears poised to burst forth imminently, unleashing its vibrant energy upon the world. Electricity hangs nearly palpably in the air - it won’t be long now.

The Insatiable Iridescence Egg continues its relentless rumbling, each tremor a testament to the struggle within—a soul yearning to break free from the confines of its once-protective shell. The agitation is palpable, the urgency tangible. This delay is intolerable.Suddenly, an eerie stillness descends upon the egg, a fleeting moment of quiet before the storm. Then, with a gradual crescendo, a new rumble begins, distinct from before but no less powerful. It's as if a surge of energy emanates from within, pulsating and intensifying until it fills the space, suffocating in its intensity.And then, in a burst of electric anticipation, it happens—CRACK! A large splintering crack fractures the surface of the egg, signaling the beginning of its liberation. Ah, finally—the long-awaited moment has arrived.

As the crack fractures the side of the multi-colored shell, The Insatiable Iridescence Egg finally comes to a still, a momentary pause after its impressive display of strength. Attention momentarily shifts away from the egg, allowing its siblings a brief respite. But just as the others begin to relax, the egg is once again seized by a restless energy, unwilling to yield the spotlight. The Insatiable Iridescence Egg is eager to embrace the world, its confines no longer able to contain its vibrant spirit.CRACK! Another fissure appears along the shell.CRACK! And another.CRACK! And then, in a breathtaking crescendo of power, the Matriarch of Daylight Opal Hatchling bursts forth, shattering the remnants of The Insatiable Iridescence Egg and emerging into the world with a flourish.Their pearlescent, multi-colored hide catches the light, refracting it in a dazzling display that seems to magnify with each passing moment. The young hatchling radiates with a strange technicolor aura, shimmering like the sun itself, a beacon of brilliance amidst the darkness of the hatching sands. Truly, they are a sight to behold, glowing with the luminous energy of a new day dawning.

The Matriarch of Daylight Opal Hatchling twists her head, inspecting her form—four feet, four paws, one tail, two wings—all wrapped in a mesmerizing opalescent hide. Satisfied, she turns her attention back to the uneasy candidates before her, a sneer curling her maw. What was their problem?Unperturbed by their unease, the Matriarch of Daylight Opal Hatchling scans the crowd, knowing her person is among them. With determination and little regard for the gaping mouths and shifting eyes of onlookers, the opal dragonet maneuvers clumsily between the candidates. These 'paw' things would take some getting used to, but it hardly mattered in the pursuit of her destined companion.

Matriarch of Daylight Opal Hatchling was simply trying to find her person, but, unfortunately, her task is almost immediately interrupted. She's barely gotten proper control of her feet when she feels No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown's teeth sink into her wing. A screeching warble of pain and frustration escapes from her jaws, spiraling up and echoing against the cavern's ceiling.The brown is in the stands, but a moment later so is she. <You utter BEAST!> Her claws dig into him the second he is within reach, dragging him down using the advantage of her larger size and weight, punctuating her venomous words. < Absolute Scourge! Complete Villai--> Suddenly, her ranting abruptly halts and she lifts her head.Someone...there. There in that group of people. Her teeth snap at the air near his neck before she leaves him. She has more important things to deal with then pests like her clutchbrother.

The Matriarch of Daylight Opal Hatchling turns her body to face her one. Just barely off to the distance, nearby, waiting for her to arrive.The opalescent hatchling's maw opens wide in a draconian grin. Finally. Somebody with taste. Her feet begin to move before her eyes spot them, but she can feel her chest pulling her forward, like a cord connecting them that she simply follows. Each step more impossibly confident than the last.There - among the crowd and irrelevant chaos… she stood. Her other half, her spiritual sister, one who already understood the overwhelming beauty of an opal hide and had the good sense to treasure it. The Matriarch of Daylight Hatchling breaks into a full (stumbling) sprint towards Candidate Leroia.As The Matriarch of Daylight Opal Hatchling breaks through the crowd - its as if time stand still. Chaos reigns around them but The Matriarch pays it no mind as their eyes meet. Like electricity rippling around - them Leroia is the only thing she cares about in this moment. Her Leroia.<Leroia… My Leroia … My L'ia.> The opal Hatchling coos softly, a significant, but welcome contrast to the screeching, fiery fury from before. Almost so softly her newly met other half is the only one who can hear it among the Renaissance like chaos painting their backdrop.<I am your Valkyrith, Opal Matriarch of Daylight. It is so relieving to finally meet someone with TASTE.> Valkyrith nearly purrs the words as she approaches L'ia, almost emanating a field of static electricity in her wake.<As badly as I want to pick your brain, it's all too chaotic for us to enjoy one another. I need to eat, and rest. Let's find somewhere quieter to go.>

Insatiable Iridescence Egg

The Insatiable Iridescence Egg appears to be a simple chestnut and tangerine colored egg at a mere side-long glance, but even a moment of prolonged attention would prove this egg to be anything but simple. The Insatiable Iridescence Egg appears to have some sort of ‘sheen’ or ‘coating’ on it that has created a mesmerizing iridescent effect overlaid on top of the brassy base color.Hot pink, neon blue, and effervescent green refractions of light appear to shift and swirl around the outside of the egg, seemingly hypnotizing even some of the most stiff-lipped onlookers in its beauty. The Insatiable Iridescence Egg’s very presence seems like it wants to capture you in its chains - and the longer you look at the egg, the closer and closer it seems to feel…

As you approach The Insatiable Iridescence Egg, you can feel the mind presence from within begin to reach out before you even reach the surface of its shell - several steps away yet, and you can feel it grab for you from inside, like hands pulling at your fingers and clothes, slowly beginning to lose shape and just wrap around your limbs entirely the closer and closer you get.Whether it’s a conscious choice, or a losing fight against The Insatiable Iridescence Egg’s hypnotic pull, you touch the surface of the egg.The second your fingers as much as simply graze the iridescent surface, the reaction is immediate. You feel a violent jolt of electricity, and the sands around change in an instant. You hardly have time to process the multi-colored, mirrored, blinding mindscape of light before you notice them. You see Evercoiling - incomprehensible and resplendent.They don’t appear to notice you, but the moment you spot them, you are wracked with another wave of electricity. Maybe you flinched, reflexively, from the Egg’s shell, maybe you tried to hold out - either way, you find yourself back on the warm sands nearly as quickly as it started."

You approach The Insatiable Iridescence Egg once again, and nearly instantly you feel that same hypnotizing pull inwards towards the Egg’s mindscape - though, perhaps you were more cautious this time around, attempting to ‘brace’ in preparation for Evercoiling’s presence.As your finger’s make contact with the holographic shell, you feel the same violent jolt of electricity as before - painfully intense and beautifully dazzling. Whether you felt better prepared for it this time around, or you relent to the crashing wave of light and color, you find it seems to dissipate rather suddenly.Ever so slowly, as the blinding fray of color and energy leaves your mind and your senses return to you, one by one, you realize you have caught Evercoiling’s direct attention.And, who are you?Their presence is a blinding reflection of light, the pinnacle of the neon rainbow bouncing between mirrors, their attention feels nearly deafening, like it’s swallowing you whole. It’s difficult to handle the intensity of Evercoiling so directly.You’ve impressed me, not many come back for seconds.And, with that - you’re back on the warm, comparatively dull sands… perhaps left hollow-chested by the experience, perhaps exhilarated, but, despite the exhaustion of it all, otherwise alright."

As you approach The Insatiable Iridescence Egg a third time, you find its previous hypnotic pull to be, perhaps less compelling. Whether it’s due to a natural tolerance to its hypnotic effect, or a learned caution surrounding its misleading and multi-colorful surface, it’s unclear - but the effect is the same.As you touch Evercoiling’s shell a third time, perhaps unlike the last two times, you are not pulled inwards, you have to choose, consciously, to touch Evercoiling’s shell.As you touch the surface, you are not met with the same explosive presence as before - rather, there is a comparatively drastic quiet, filling the insides of your ears and throat with a swelling tension..You’ve returned, yet again. I’m surprised - very few are strong enough to tolerate my presence, you know.You realize, rather suddenly, that Evercoiling has been waiting for you. The space is an inky, all consuming dark black, their once chaotic rainbow form now dulled to a soft pinprick of light, barely casting a few feet of color around them.What do you seek from me, tenacious one? What would you be hoping for the two of us to achieve together?As Evercoiling speaks, their light begins to flash and spark. It’s slow at first, flaring in brightness as their voice raises, but it begins to grow as a spark of passion and intensity begins to work its way back into Evercoiling’s mind.Being by my side will not be easy, my path will not be a simple one to walk.As Evercoiling begins to shine brighter and brighter, their refractions of rainbow light beginning to reach the mirrors and bounce back at themselves, you feel their presence seem to lean towards you. Their tone goes dark, soft, but powerful.I am going to do something great one day, are you?It’s almost completely blinding at this point, the sheer kinetic energy behind the now exponential reflections - bouncing off the mirror at an incomprehensible speed and vibrance. You feel your vision begin to go dark, Evercoiling’s presence fading like it had before - but you hear them once more, perhaps you fought hard to withstand their brilliance, or perhaps you caught it in the distance as Evercoiling faded into oblivion. A dissipating voice as darkness takes you -You're very curious, tenacious one. I wonder if you could keep up with me.And, just like that - you’ve returned to the warmth of the sands.

Harbinger of Fate Purple Pereath

Adult Length: 44'5"

Pereath grows up to be a massive purple, towering over many of his fellow 3rd Caste dragons - as well as some 2nd Caste! He has a deep lilac purple hide with a mid-tone pink tint throughout, and a pair of dazzling, iridescent wings that seem to reflect any light that touches them.Across his body, Pereath also appears to have a series of lighter purple markings - almost resembling skeletal outlines around the top of his neck, his shoulders, down his back and in a parallel spot on his underbelly, on his thighs, and finally, on the base of his tail. His paws, and the end of his tail also appear to almost be ‘misted’ in this same color as well.As well, though Pereath has a somewhat bullish - or, potentially better described as bearish - features, few would call him unattractive. In fact, once he's fully grown, many find his sharp jaw, high head, and broad chest rather handsome. Either way, by almost any account - overall, he's a striking creature.

Despite the calming aura his egg exuded, Pereath is a force to be reckoned with—a veritable bulldozer of purple. His forward-heavy, muscular physique, coupled with his larger-than-average size for a 3rd caste dragon, ensures he commands attention wherever he goes. Yet, even in his full-grown state, Pereath exudes a confident swagger. With a charming visage and a sculpted form, he effortlessly draws eyes from every corner of the room.This imposing physicality translates into impressive athletic prowess. Possessing robust wings and a powerful frame, Pereath surprises with his speed, outstripping the expectations for a dragon of his size and color. Though his bulk may occasionally hinder his maneuverability, particularly in sharp turns, he remains a formidable adversary when faced with a foe.

Fallow's Fawn

Pereath embodies the raw power of electricity, and his mindscape mirrors this intensity. As he draws near, the air crackles with static energy, sending shivers down your spine—a tangible manifestation of sheer kinetic force and untapped potential.Engaging in conversation with Pereath takes this energy to a new level. The electricity surges from mere potential to active kinetic energy, coursing through your fingers, thighs, and spine with small shocks and sparks. It's a sensation akin to a gentle massage when he's pleased, yet utterly debilitating when his fury ignites.

Pereath is a resolute individual, one dedicated to what he perceives as right, as arbitrary and fickle as that can seem to others. Scratch beneath his chaotic, fun-loving surface and there is an innate understanding of balance between life and the frailty of personal convictions. While he may sometimes come across as abrasive, brusque, or even brutishly forceful when he believes he has to act in the best interest of others, at other times he showcases his giddy indulgence in impulse and whimsy – which often serves the same purpose in shattering the comfortable 'bystander' life of others.Pereath knows deep down that there are hidden truths individuals evade confronting, each unique to their circumstances. An innate part of him seeks to understand others, to really see them, whether that's acknowledging an addiction, understanding a toxic relationship, or confronting deep-seated prejudices. Pereath can rarely indulge in the mercy of lies. He's good at them – he is quick witted and spins lies like an artist with a paintbrush, but Pereath is committed to truth. While his methods may seem drastic, his intentions are rooted in an unwavering dedication to truth and justice… It's a rare circumstance to make Pereath wield a lie, often in the face of a system that can take no other answer.Despite his exterior laissez-faire goofiness broken by periods of intensity, Pereath has a lot of affection in his heart that can at times take some time to see. For Daviel it will shine through almost immediately. He can be a hard pill to swallow due to his mercurial nature. But those he is closest to he will protect fiercely, and if it's themselves they need protecting from, he can become so amazingly understanding, which can be surprising for those who don't know him well. Pereath believes others ought to be able to live how they live without interference so long as the only one they're hurting is themselves… but if he can help it, he wants to bring that to light and healing too.

Hatchling template by TaimaTala
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by AestheticallyBoy
Dragon written by AestheticallyBoy
Hatchling color by AestheticallyBoy
Egg Color by AestheticallyBoy

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

Fallow Deer
The Sylvan Serenity Egg had a significant initial influence in the fey, with a strange sort of focus on a confusing, difficult to perceive ‘truth’. In WotC DnD the feywild is a strange and confusing place that seems impossible for outsiders to understand, but those who live there know the rules as easily as we know earth’s own.
Overall, Pereath took a significant amount of inspiration from electricity. Not just as a theme, but as a concept - as much as we may work with it, it is unbending to our will at the end of the day. An unquestionable truth, something written into the very code of the universe and our beings. Beautiful, necessary, painful, and unavoidable.
TW - Psychedelic Drug Use Discussion Below!
The Sylvan Serenity Egg was also influenced by the myths surrounding the practice of feeding amanita muscaria to reindeer in Kamchatka by the Korjacks, then drinking their urine to produce ‘intoxicating’ visions.
Pereath was based on two concepts - electricity, and psychedelics. In both, there is a theme of safety and distance - with electricity, messing around will only ever lead to white-hot pain and serious harm, and psychedelics are famous for people going in with a bad headspace having a bad trip. The drugs often make you have very deep, very serious internal dialogues that you might have otherwise struggled with. A truth you cannot hide from. Rules no one is above. A force of nature none of us can deny.

The Hatch

The Sylvan Serenity Egg takes just a bit longer than its overwhelming hypnotic sibling to come to life, but when it begins to wobble - it shakes. A sturdy, excited shimmy, eager to burst into the world beyond its egg - to some of the candidates, it was perhaps a strange contrast to its initial calming presence.Still, The Sylvan Serenity Egg didn't seem to care what onlookers may have expected, it had much more important matters to attend to - like getting out of this prison cell of a shell! Another powerful shake takes the egg, something like a mischievous threat in its excitement - ‘Ready or Not, Here I Come!’

The Sylvan Serenity Egg hadn't seemed to find peace yet, shifting and shuffling around like it was trying to get comfortable in the sands, but just couldn't quite make it work.Another powerful shake and you could almost feel the electric excitement rippling from just within the shell - like the presence inside was tearing at its confines with all of its might. Finally, though, all of The Sylvan Serenity Egg’s hard work seems to pay off… sort of.With a dramatic wobble, The Sylvan Serenity Egg finally seems to fall off balance. Its oblong shape only aiding the descent as it begins to roll outwards wider and wider until - it tumbles onto its side on the sands with an unceremonious ‘plop’, ironically, toppled by its own reckless energy rather than its siblings.Still though, it seemed to do the trick, as the The Sylvan Serenity Egg now sported a long, spider webbing crack on its side.

The Sylvan Serenity Egg is just about done with all of this waiting, it decides - this is taking far longer than it should have. With another dramatic wobble, The Sylvan Serenity Egg rolls clumsily onto its opposite side, exposing the progress it’s made in its shell towards the open air.It was all or nothing now.It begins as a slow wobble from side to side, the movements are intentional, but careful. There's hardly time to catch your breath in the eye of the storm though, before the wobbling starts growing exponentially, like a chemical reaction The Sylvan Serenity Egg almost seemed to be building off its own momentum as it gathers strength until - BAM!Like a firework, Harbinger of Faith Purple Hatchling bursts forward from it's glistening, multi-colored shell, shattering the iridescent prison and barreling into the darks sands (as well as into the world) with an explosion of electric energy.

Harbinger of Faith Purple Hatchling sees the mass of white coats standing before him and immediately his eyes flare with red. <This?> He spits the word, letting it crackle through the air and pierce the minds of every dragon and candidate in the general vicinity. <THIS is what I am given?> A sharp rumble of displeasure escapes his chest as he begins stalking towards the candidates. Without even pausing to look at who he is hurting, the purple's claws swipe at one of the Weyrlingamsters escorting a new pair off the sands and come away crimson.

Harbinger of Faith Purple Hatchling readies himself to shove another nuisance out of his way, when a question stops him. Painfully bright red eyes glance down to see Nymph's Opus of Distortion Pink and his sibling's request causes the purple's mouth to drop open in a draconic grin. <You asked for it.> Without any further warning, his tail curls around her middle and promptly flings her into the stands.A broken hiss of a laugh leaves him as he watches her trajectory, but something else quickly distracts him. Someone else? A mass of someones. His claws rake against stone as he hefts himself up into the galleries as well, and soon there are people trampled beneath his feet, torn beneath his claws, as he works his way to the group of Rainbow Brigade protestors. < Give me who is mine!>

Harbinger of Faith Purple Hatchling growls as he feels someone's bone snap beneath his wrist, and for a moment he pauses to look at the human. Close, but not quite. His head jerks back up and suddenly his swirling red gaze locks with Daviel's.< Move!> The demand comes through like a jolt of electricity and the purple lifts a hand to swipe at Daviel. His claws shove Daviel against other Brigade members as if they had no more importance than the ground they stood on. Blood begins to bloom over the man's chest, but Harbinger of Faith Purple Hatchling pays it no heed. < Or not. > His jaw pops open, revealing sharp teeth and a wicked grin. < I'm Pereath, and now...you're Dav'el. Let's go eat.>

Sylvan Serenity

The Sylvan Serenity Egg is much more subdued in appearance than its iridescent sibling, though it’s no less stunning to onlookers who are willing to give it the time of day. A soft peach-pink in base, The Sylvan Serenity Egg seems to almost have a soft, lightly colored kaleidoscope of light ‘specks’ of color along the shell, giving it a stunning almost ‘glassy’ appearance.Perhaps due to the overwhelming presence of their sibling, or perhaps due to their own trepidatious demeanor, The Sylvan Serenity Egg’s presence is similarly subdued. At first, you almost may not think there was anyone within, but the longer you spend staring, the more you think you hear a soft song in your head…

The Sylvan Serenity Egg is much calmer, in comparison to their… explosive sibling. Few even notice its unassuming presence among the hodge-podge of unique and lively eggs - though, those who do are often enchanted. As you approach The Sylvan Serenity, you begin to hear a soft song in the back of your mind, a gentle tune strung along by a reserved, serene voice.When your fingers make contact with The Sylvan Serenity Egg’s shell, you don’t actually notice anything at first. There is no immediate explosive presence or awakening of perspective, the voice does not waver, and the room seems to stand still.It’s only a few brief moments at first, like droplets of color, accompanied by lilts in the song or brief harmonies, you begin to make out the voice of Fallow’s Fawn.As quickly as you begin to notice, though, it vanishes, and you are back on the sands, left in the silence created in the wake of their song."

You return to The Sylvan Serenity Egg again, and you are greeted by the same gentle tune as you approach, though - you may almost find yourself wondering if it’s louder now, if ever so slightly.As you touch Fallow’s Fawns’ shell, you are once again transported to tense stillness, the familiar serene voice distantly serenading your presence. The droplets of color return again; slow, hesitant at first, a simple harmony, a raised note, but Fallow’s Fawns’ voice begins to grow.As the colors begin to paint the dark space around you, you feel a dizzying elation start to swell in your body, expanding like a bubble inside of you. It’s slow to start, but exponential in time; the colors painting your clothes and hair and skin in the song itself, building to something powerful.You can nearly feel the tension in the air as the song reaches its peak, and - it stops, right before the song reaches its pinnacle. You are back on the sands, deep in a pool of silence, perhaps left fulfilled by the joy experienced, perhaps left hollow by the emptiness in its wake."

As you approach The Sylvan Serenity Egg a third time, the voice returns, though - notably louder than the last two times you approached. Fallow’s Fawn feels… different this time. Almost radiating from their shell, vibrating in your head with anticipation the closer you get.You can hardly brush the shell with your fingers before you are blasted with a flood of color and song.It’s, perhaps, overwhelming at first; like river rapids of sound you almost feel the waves crash and flow around you. Something resembling the elation you felt before returns, though it is so exponential in intensity it ceases to be joy or positivity, and becomes something much more primal. Raw emotion - no longer defined by mood, perspective or experience, indescribable by any human language.Perhaps you are able to relax into the violent rush of the universe, or perhaps you have to shield your eyes from the intensity of it all; either way, before long you feel the song begin to fade, and you are graced with the presence of Fallow’s Fawn.They say nothing outright, though the song continues unspoken. There are no words, but you understand.Very little in the world is as it seems, the very fabric of the universe around us works in brutally cruel ways that we both cannot understand and will not bend to our will.Fallow’s Fawn is direct. Pointed and intense in a way you may not have expected. There is no judgment in their thoughts, though, what they say is not for them, but they do not shy away from what must be said.I am not the one to tell you comfortable lies, but there can be an incredible, intense, painful beauty in truth. Are you prepared to challenge the parts of your character you have hidden from?The song begins to swell again as Fallow’s Fawn fades from the space, and the sands slowly begin to return to view. Their thoughts reach you distantly as you fade from their mindscape.It is easy to reveal your soul to others, even accidentally, are you prepared to truly know yourself, unflinching and unblinking? Like the sun scorching your eyes - are you prepared for what you might see?And with that, you are back on the sands - though, the calming tune has not left the back of your head, at least while around The Sylvan Serenity Egg."

Nypmh’s Opus of Distortion Pink
G ir’kadryth

She/Her (initially)
Clutching Status Unknown
Adult Length: 8'

The majority of this dragon's distinctive color features are located in her extremities. Swatches of dandelion and fuchsia trail down this dragon's neck and limbs, conjuring a fur-like image on her smooth hide. Petals unfurl over her wings, fading from darker shades of pink to near white. Magenta coats the jagged edges of her sails and adds to the delicate illusion. A sprinkle of pollen trails down her spine, and though it also coats her headknobs, in that location it only serves as a backdrop for wisps of orange wrapping around both structures. That same, orange-red hue, lends itself to the base of her tail and when paired with white lines, creates a segmented appearance.

This dragon's appearance is...odd. Her headknobs are round and full at the bases before tapering up to points. In comparison to her head, which is rather triangular, her eyes are massive (and extremely keen). Unlike the smooth sails that most dragonkin possess, hers are jagged at the edges. The humeral portions of her limbs are quite short compared to the radial/ulnar portions. As a result, it may be more comfortable for her wings to rest in a semi-spread state rather than folded neatly against her sides. Amongst these odd features her tail stands out - short, wide, and somewhat flat, it seems almost at odds with her thin torso.Only time will tell whether her strange features prove physically hindering or simply mark her as visually bizarre.

Gossamer Deceptions

This dragon's mind is an ever-shifting realm. Nothing is as it seems, and based on her mood, the results can be anything from beautiful to terrifying. Pleasant moods are accompanied by brilliant images such as a field of flowers or an endless ocean. Closer inspection of these varied snippets reveals the petals are dried paint chips and the drops of water are shimmering blue diamonds.When anger strikes or unpleasant emotions boil up, the content of her mindscape grows more severe. The tree that seems so lovely from a distance is, in fact, a swarm of insects whose beating wings serve as 'leaves'. The raging blizzard? Formed of glass shards rather than snow.Her mind is constantly shifting, constantly coming up with new brilliant ways in which to convey her feelings. It holds endless possibilities but only one consistency - illusion.

She. Her. That was what Gir'kadryth was labeled when she hatched, and initially...that seems well enough. Then, it becomes obvious there are other possibilities. She. He. They. Zem. Options spread out before her, resulting in uncertainty and indecision that pervade not only this aspect of her life but many others. At times, this can result in a feeling of paralysis and long stretches of perseveration.While trepidation plays a factor in all of this, it is also accompanied by excitement. The world is filled with so many opportunities, how can others pick one so easily when they could be missing out on the road not taken?

Greenstriped Mapleworms initially live and eat on the same tree.
After emerging from their cocoons, their home range expands considerably.

Initially, Gir'kadryth will want to stay close to her siblings and 'home', but this will fade quickly. The world is wide, and flitting about it is preferred over staying in one spot. She will fit easily and comfortably in the Lights, and watching the scenery flow by while daydreaming of the infinite possibilities life holds will be one of her favorite pastimes - though she might have to try out several dozen hobbies before realizing it.

Rosy Maple Moths do not eat as adults and live off the
energy stores gained when in the mapleworm stage.

Gir'kadryth is incredibly particular about her meals. Not just any meat will do. Sometimes it is the texture, other times it is the smell, but it will quickly become obvious that her meals require special attention. When she does eat, it is frequent enough to avoid malnutrition, but only just.

The Orchid Mantis is an excellent and deadly predator that relies on ambush.

Hunting is unlikely to be a swift affair but will fully exhibit the extent of her patience. Outside the feeding grounds, violence (or at least threatening violence) isn't off the table for her. The prospect comes with a certain thrill and despite her small size she will be remarkably effective if she chooses to act on darker inclinations.

The Orchid Mantis' aggressive mimicry results in
pollinators being drawn to it over real flowers.
The Orchid Mantis can vary its colors to match the flowers around it.

Gir'kadryth indecision makes her exceptionally observant, a skill that will eventually lend itself to a talent in mimicry and acting. Perhaps this is something she can use in regards to the DG, or perhaps it ends up being nothing more than a party trick she pulls out every now and then. What she does with her natural abilities, only time will tell.

Moths are a symbol of transformation and change - both good and bad.
A praying mantis has that same duality, in some cultures, it is seen to bring luck and in others, it can even bring death.

Gir'kadryth brings unavoidable change to Virox's life. How those changes play out when both halves of this pair deal with unease about their futures will surely lead to an interesting journey. Or not. Their story isn’t written in stone.

Hatchling template by TaimaTala
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Riyel
Dragon written by Riyel
Hatchling color by Riyel
Egg Color by Riyel

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

This egg had two beast themes - the Rosy Maple Moth (Dryocampa rubicunda) and the Orchid mantis (Hymenopus coronatus). The egg was based off of the eggs of the Rosy Maple Moth. Features from both were brought into the personality as shown by the facts above! The Orchid Mantis' mimicry played a big part in the mindtouches. Some appearance features were pulled from both insects - lending to the odd appearance! Incidentally, there is a genus of Orchids known as Moth Orchids (Phalenopsis). The Phalaenopsis schilleriana is pictured above!As for the name - Gir'kadryth comes from several different different things. Gir comes from girna means "fallen/falling/to fall" in Hindi. Ka comes from Kaggen, who was the Trickster God of the San people. He would take on the form of many different animals - including a mantis. Finally, 'dry' comes from the scientific name of the Rosy Maple Moth. In this case, it all comes together. Your preferences for plosives were taken into account here, and as for the apostrophe….that could serve as a verbal stop, or perhaps it needs the Pern treatment where it is a shortening of the dragon's true name. Or perhaps it's unnecessary - this is something I'm leaving entirely in your court. Hopefully this combo of words gives you an interesting context/backdrop for the dragonet!Hatchling Name - Stay with me here, it’s not a conspiracy I swear. Nymph comes from the life cycle of a Mantis but also from mythology. Opus - aside from its usual definition, was also pulled from Hymenopus and Phalenopsis. Interestingly enough, the Rosy Maple Moth is a part of the Saturniidae family. The origin of this word is from the Roman god Saturn who was married to Ops (also known as Opis). Saturn wanted to eat their son Jupiter, but she tricked him by wrapping a stone in some cloth and feeding it to him, thus saving Jupiter. Eventually she would help Jupiter save all of their siblings.

The Hatch

Wobble: Has Taste of the Forbidden Egg become more transparent since it was laid? The outline of the dragonet inside seems almost visible. Its surface undulates as the inhabitant moves but goes still a moment later.

Crack: Taste of the Forbidden Egg begins to peel from the top, coming apart in stringy webs caused by two pairs of claws peeking through. The surface of the shell glints with wetness as the contents begin to ooze down the sides and pool on the sand below.

Hatch: The inhabitant of Taste of the Forbidden Egg finally makes itself known. The egg falls to the side, and the dragonet's wings emerge one after another. Delicate hues cast over the wingsails, but soon louder colors become visible. The Nymph's Opus of Distortion Pink Hatchling has arrived in yellow and pink glory that most Istans would consider garish.

Search 1: Minutes pass by, but Nymph's Opus of Distortion Pink Hatchling remains in place. Her wings flutter as she clings to the split-open carcass of her shell, and the heat of the sands dries them. Her eyes whirl bright with blues that match the sky as she takes in the crowd. Finally, after what seems like an eternal delay, she begins to move.Her tiny form, no longer than two feet including her tail, slips across the sands. A handful of scattered gasps and mutters escape as her strangeness becomes apparent. Massive eyes stand out against a sharp triangular head. Her headknobs are rotund where they sit against her skull and taper up to points. Rather than being tucked against her side, her wings drag along the sands behind her in cape-like fashion and her tail...her tail is truly bizarre. Short, wide, and rather flat, it looks jarring when paired with her thin torso.She darts through the chaos, her mind swirling with a dozen different courses of action, but it is Harbinger of Fate Purple Hatchling that she finally stops next to. Her head tilts upwards and catches her siblings' gaze. < Some help? I need a better view.> And the stands offer a much better vantage point.

Search 2: The Nymph's Opus of Distortion Pink Hatchling goes sailing through the air thanks to her sibling and a bugle of joy leaves her. Her wings flail wildly, but do nothing to stop her from splattering against a woman's chest.The reaction from the stranger is immediate - a piercing shriek. "Get her off! Faranth, get her off, get her off. Get. Her. OFF!" One manicured hand smacks into the pink's jaw, sending her skittering to the ground.With a creel of panic, the Nymph's Opus of Distortion Pink Hatchling dashes into the crowd. She weaves between the viewers, dodges a handful of kicks, and then....she is gone, lost amongst a sea of colorful clothing.

impression: The Nymph's Opus of Distortion Pink Hatchling had watched as each of her siblings found their lifemates, and now the sands were empty. How had they chosen so easily? Some of the crowd was already leaving, and that left her....alone. Her eyes begin to whirl with distress as she peeks out from beneath a woman's colorful skirt. Surely there was a partner for her in this cavern filled with people - but who?Panic begins to set in before she feels it - a thread, tenuous but shimmering, that mirrored her own thoughts in a strange way. She chases after it, running despite the ache in her wings and the stabbing pain in her jaw. After what feels like an eternity, the Nymph's Opus of Distortion Pink Hatchling's body slams into the leg of someone just as bruised and battered as she.< Virox!> The world does not fall away, but instead shifts around you. What was once a stone cavern is now a structure made of hundreds of little acorns. The people surrounding you are made from felt and wool rather than flesh and blood. Reality bends, but the dragonet lets out a soft croon to ensure your focus, < I am Gir'kadryth.> Her gaze swirls with pastel hues of affection and peppery bursts of confusion. < I must eat, but then...> A questioning feeling washes over you. Then what?

Taste of the Forbidden

Is it a quirk of the lights? A play of the shadows? Or perhaps, a simple trick of the mind. Whatever the cause, this particular egg calls to the viewer's taste buds. Swathes of yellow and green mix together in tantalizing shimmers, lending a translucent, jelly-like finish to the surface. Red dusts the outside, no - the inside? - of this nearly perfect sphere. Not even close inspection can banish this carefully curated illusion, but perhaps a taste....just a little one, might.

A pleasant chill washes over your skin and pulls you from the heat of the sands. Gone are the massive cavern and artificial lighting. Instead, the world spreads out before you in a series of rolling hills. Plants break their earthen confinement, working through the topsoil and stretching their leaves towards the sky. A breeze weaves through hundreds of bloomless buds and suddenly, you feel them. Gossamer Deceptions surrounds you, somehow everywhere and nowhere all at once. A gentle touch brushes over your cheek but the pressure is light, so much so that it may have been nothing more than your imagination.

As you return to the realm of forbidden tastes, you find everything changed. Where there was once green, now there is an explosion of color. Flowers stretch out before you, covering every inch of the ground from your feet to the far horizon. A sweet scent fills the air, and Gossamer Deceptions is...to your left? No, your right? The presence bounces, constantly moving, constantly running three steps ahead of you, constantly out of reach. Without warning, a breeze surges through the field and sends a cascade of petals into the air. The velveteen tornado engulfs you, drowning your vision in a sea of endless possibilities writ on tiny, multi-hued leaflets. Are one of these futures yours?

The world of Gossamer Deceptions, while still vibrant, has gone nearly motionless. The strong gusts from your earlier visit have gentled, resulting in an eerie stillness. Seconds stretch into minutes, and during that time you are given the freedom to explore. Paths form where you step, allowing you passage through the tangle of wild botanicals. Something deep within this world calls to you, beginning as nothing more than a murmur before crescendoing to a cacophony that can be neither ignored nor identified. The sound pounds through your head, colors swim before your eyes, and a sweet scent wraps around your body. The cloying combination demands your attention, demands to be seen, and the moment you look....something grabs you from behind. Dulled spikes press against your legs, rooting you in place. Whether you struggle or not, there is no escaping this expertly laid trap...at least, not until Gossamer Deceptions chooses to let you go.

Of Wild and Ancient Dominion Gold Adrastath

59 feet

Adrastath is a mountain of a dragon, built so stockily that its impressive length is a distant second impression. Heavy-jawed and broad-shouldered, it radiates physical presence from its huge, wide wings to its long club of a tail. Its legs are long but just as densely muscled, and despite its bulk it can build up terrifying momentum both on land and in the air. Adrastath will never be anything close to agile, especially in flight, nor does it need to be - it is made for power alone, and possesses a regal impassivity to the very idea of being shaken from its course.Its hide is smooth, polished ivory, brightened by intricate knotted patterns of burnished gold covering its headknobs and tangling over Adrastath’s head. More traceries of gold fade in and out on its neck and back, down its limbs and up the edges of its wings, lightening in colour to a pale gleam and loosening into fanciful swoops and curls. Its tail is dipped in ruddy copper, rich and bright at the tips and growing wispy and faint until it melds back into ivory once more.

Huge and bulky as it is, Adrastath will spend months reaching an appropriate amount of muscle for its size, and struggle with erratic growth spurts and clumsy, awkward proportions until then. It can be surprisingly (and scarily) fast once it has built momentum, but it will also have a hard time stopping or altering its course. Adrastath can learn the delicacy and care required not to flatten and bowl over its clutchsibs and peers, but it will never be agile in the air, nor dexterous on land.

Shake the Earth

To speak with Adrastath is to only skirt the outer limits of its guarded mind. Most will only ever catch the sensations it presses into its words - rain-wet soil, rich and bitter tastes on the tongue, mud underfoot or the looming pressure of stone older than stars. These feelings are as sharp and grounded as a wher’s, but only fleeting glimpses of its true nature.Raleigh, and the rare few it will deign to allow entry, will set foot in primordial woodlands and scorched fields, rumbling mountains and noiseless bogs. These are all facets, aspects shaped by circumstance and its current moods - sometimes almost choked with competing greenery, sometimes withered or rotting. Its grimmer trains of thought paint the skies with rain and thunder, and Adrastath’s rages crack the landscape open or swallow it in torrents of mud and unearthed rock. Sometimes it will show itself here, either in dragon form or as something more nebulous, shapes carved out of stone and muck or rising from water, more of the natural world than any living being.More often, it speaks through its surroundings; the rustling of trees, the slow growth of lichen on bone, distant water and the expectant unfurling of budding leaves. The scenery matters less than the inevitable cycle governing them all, dying to live and death feeding new life. This is what Adrastath is rooted in - a push and pull, overtaking and giving way - as certain as the seasons or the tides.

Adrastath wants. These are simple wants - to be safe, well-fed and happy, for Raleigh to be the same, to have a space it can call home which can guard and keep its loved ones - but no less powerful for that simplicity. Adrastath does not scheme, nor play with rank and influence. It simply has an objective, and goes to accomplish it - regardless of what difficulties might arise or who might interfere. Its unwillingness to compromise or be diverted from its goals can make it frustrating to deal with - or downright terrifying if one happens to be in the way. Despite this, it is a steady and sociable presence, generally placid (if usually blunt) as long as it is content.This is a deceptive placidity. Adrastath feels deeply, but struggles to express or react to the breadth and depth of its emotions - until they swell up, huge and scalding. Its temper is a slow burning fire, devastating when it finally erupts, and while Adrastath can shrug off a great deal of scorn and insults until sufficiently riled, that does not mean it will forget any of it. It holds long, bitter grudges, and will retaliate eventually, with a strict tally of every bit of harm and injury done. However, all of its vengeance is kept personal. It is not a dragon of causes and ideals, and is mainly concerned with what affects itself, its bondmate and friends or family. It will vie against injustice in its own territory… but only watch judgmentally if the same injustice occurs outside it.More powerful than its anger is its love. Raleigh will meet the full force of Adrastath’s care and devotion, at times grounding, at times overwhelming. It cannot - and would refuse to - compel or control him, but it also cannot intuitively gauge what will genuinely help him find his own peace and happiness. As solid and certain as it is, it will have difficulty winnowing out Raleigh’s own desires or goals and giving them the same weight as its own. The success it has with making its own path keeps it from much reflection - it will likely take repeated instances before it truly learns not to sweep him away with the force of its own momentum, or act around or for him unasked. But Adrastath sees his bravery, his loyalty and kindness, and wishes to carve out a space in which they can flourish. No matter what he might struggle with, part of Adrastath’s certainty is in Raleigh himself. Those intentions alone cannot bridge the gaps of communication and understanding between them, and it might be a long and difficult journey… but they will get there. It knows it.

Hatchling template by TaimaTala
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written byStorm
Dragon written by Storm
Hatchling color by Ship
Egg Color by Ship

All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.

Themes: moose, primeval nature, primordial forests, inexorable growth and decay
Name: From “Adrasteia”, a Greek mountain goddess later associated with inevitability and divine retribution
Its pronouns are it/its, in the same sense that a mountain or a landslide is ‘it’ - Adrastath is too huge to be contained by gendered pronouns
The playlist is roughly split in half, with the first half being songs I’d associate with Adrastath and its themes, and the second half focusing more on its relationship with and feelings for Raleigh.I tried to keep to some focal points for how I envisioned Primeval Crown and its dragonet - strong-willed and stubborn, uncompromising and capable of huge amounts of damage, but also… primordial in its wants and feelings and goals. Some of its temper and the strength of its devotion might well stem from Hecatath, though they may be expressed differently as it grows and comes into its own. It provides a great challenge and contrast to Raleigh, who understands and navigates people in a way Adrastath generally lacks, and experiences a more complicated world - for better and for worse. They both have qualities the other might rely on and admire… but these differences also provide potential rifts and misunderstandings, gaps of communication that will take time to bridge. Hopefully this will give you lots of fresh ground to dig into, as well as problems to excavate between the two of them!

The Hatch

Wobble: The Primeval Crown Egg has been content to wait and watch for so long, but no longer. Those close enough might hear irregular thumps as it tilts slowly to one side, looking precariously ready to tip over.

Crack: As it had promised to, the Primeval Crown Egg slowly flops over onto one side - and the other side bulges with the increasingly wild movements from the hatchling within. The shell cracks and splinters, flaking away in a few spots to show glimpses of wet, rust-coloured hide.

Hatch: Breaking through the weakened side, a long coppery tail flops out onto the sand. With one final swell of movement, the dragonet within the Primeval Crown Egg scatters shell fragments everywhere, spilling out… and out, proving much bigger than the egg’s confines suggested. The Of Wild and Ancient Dominion Gold sprawls in a huge tangled heap, but its heavy, powerful head is raised, already assessing the scene.

Search 1: Of Wild and Ancient Dominion Gold takes its time to get going, but get going it does, moving with slow but assured steps. Just moving takes some concentration, keeping its tail and dragging wings and all four feet aligned and synchronous. So intent is it on its destination that it pays no mind to the other dragonets, let alone the ensuing carnage. Wynni is a sudden blur of motion in its peripheral vision, and then the unfortunate candidate smashes into its shoulder mid-step. It staggers to the side, nearly tripping over its own feet, and then treads on Wynni as it gets its footing, heedless of their presence. Shock reigns for just a moment, and then its anger rises, simmering across the surrounding minds and catching in the throat.<I did not ask,> it snaps back, voice rattling with loose wisps of feeling, damp and dry and brittle. A rumbling growl grinding up from its chest, it hurtles at No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown in an uncoordinated rush of heavy limbs and bared teeth.

Search 2: When No Gods but We, No Master but Me Brown retreats to go cause trouble elsewhere, Of Wild and Ancient Dominion Gold does not bother to give chase. Still its temper stirs and whirls, unsettled and chaotic, and it only snorts and postures in its triumph for a moment. The urge it has been following remains, persistent and yet out of reach. A little more sure-footed now, it moves faster, muscles bunching and stretching under its pale hide as it lopes forward. If it was ignorant of its surroundings before, it is deliberately careless now, barging straight through without waiting for those in its way to scatter. More than a few candidates too slow or hesitant end up knocked to the ground, shoved aside by a powerful swing of its tail, or nearly being run right over.A red-haired candidate happens to be standing right in its path, and it has run out of patience. Lunging forward, it catches him in the side, teeth sinking in enough for a good grip. Radiating scorn like dry heat, the dragonet half-drags, half-tosses him well out of its way with a sharp jerk of its head and leaves him where he landed. It continues on without a backwards glance, as sudden and imminent as a landslide.

impression: As rapidly as its ire rose, it vanishes. Of Wild and Ancient Dominion Gold does not even look towards the stands. Its goal is close now, so close that its impatience ebbs away entirely. It does not waver nor slow until it is only a handful of steps from the mind it had first met still in the egg, searching for peace, for sanctuary. Together, they can make such a place. They will carve it out of the earth if need be.The gold turns to Raleigh, the force of its rainbowed gaze bringing him to soft verdancy, sheltering shadows of ancient trees and the gratitude of roots delighting in rain. <At last,> it says, the relief and joy palpable despite the hushed leaf-rustle timbre of its voice. <I have been searching, Raleigh. I am Adrastath, and I will be with you.> A simple declaration, but the weight with which it rests its head against his shoulder makes it solemn, sacred.<Now I hunger, and we both must rest. Let us go.>

Primeval Crown

Middling in size, the Primeval Crown sits as the foremost of a cluster of eggs, wedged firmly upright in its heap of sand. Unlike its wiggly immediate companion, it has an immovable air to it, never shifting even a little in its place. The top of the egg is a roughly circular patch, bone-white, that drapes down into curving points and curls. This is the only discernable pattern on a shell so dark green it is almost black, dappled at random with shades of murky pine, sunlit leaves and rusty brown. It is only after lingering long nearby that its presence makes itself known, warningly watchful.

The egg does not immediately react to your touch. The mind within does not unfold, there is no sudden flash of insight… but as long seconds pass, the sands seem to cool and darken. Slowly additional sensations filter through; air heavy with moisture, the rustle of the wind and the groan of ancient growth shifting and growing yet older. Petrichor wars with rotting vegetation in your nose, and you taste salt, rain, mud fleeting across your tongue. Shake the Earth remains indistinct, unwilling to emerge further from these echoes of feeling.

Another touch has Shake the Earth conjure up the ancient forest once more, but now it is willing to reveal itself as an enormous presence somewhere beyond and behind you no matter how you might turn. Its focus is palpable and weighty on your back. Why are you here, and what do you bring to this meeting of minds and worlds? Answer carefully, its unseen gaze warns. Shake the Earth is patient, but it would rather not have its time wasted.

Back again? The forest is deeper, the air and soil wetter, the smells and tastes even richer than before. Shake the Earth sweeps across these woodlands, its passage bending trees and scattering stones as it brushes past you in a headlong rush. The weight of its full presence has the ground splinter and fissure, leaving only where you stand untouched. There are no questions this time, just the whole of it laid bare: the enduring patience and slow growth, the care preceding its sudden momentum and force of will. Shake the Earth knows it can move mountains if it so chooses, and whatever obstacles it faces will be smashed down. But perhaps it could clear the path for you as well?